
  • 网络state-owned bank;state owned banks;state banks;SOBs
  1. 他主修金融专业,一年前毕业于北京一所商学院,目前在中国交通银行(theBankofCommunicationsinChina)&一家大型国有银行工作。

    He graduated from business school a year ago in Beijing , a finance major who now works for the Bank of Communications in China , a large state-owned bank .

  2. 其五,国有银行金融产权的虚置和内部松散的治理是导致X低效率的最直接原因。

    Fifth , the emptily-set financial property right of the state-owned bank and the incompact administration inside are the most direct reasons for X poor efficiency .

  3. 加入WTO给国有银行带来的机遇、挑战及对策

    Opportunity , challenge and countermeasure for state-owned banks after joining WTO

  4. 自我国加入WTO,整个金融体系发生了巨大的变化,四大国有银行的市场份额呈逐年下降趋势,股份制商业银行及城市商业银行的市场占有率逐年提高。

    After joining the WTO , great changes have taken place in the whole financial system . The market share of the four major state-owned banks is declining while that of the joint-stock commercial banks and city commercial banks is increasing year by year .

  5. 国有银行信息技术外包的决策研究

    The Decision of IT Outsourcing in the State - owned Banks

  6. 国有银行改革:如何实现文化整合

    How to Achieve Cultural Integration in the Reform of State-Owned Banks

  7. 关于我国政府融资状况与国有银行业发展的思考

    The Situation of Government Finance and the Development of State-owned Banking

  8. 我国国有银行和股份制商业银行的效率差异及投入拥挤实证研究

    Efficiency Difference and Input Crowding Analysis on State-owned and Joint-stock Banks

  9. 外汇储备注资国有银行效应分析

    A Review on the Effect of Capital Injection for State-owned Banks

  10. 国有银行产权改革与效率:国外经验研究及启示

    State-Owned Banks Property Rights Reform and Efficiency : Foreign Experience and Implication

  11. 国有银行只向大型国企发放贷款。

    State-owned banks only lend to big state-owned companies , he says .

  12. 国有银行产权安排的经济分析

    Equity Arrangement of State Owned Banks from the Perspective of Economic Theory

  13. 金融结构扭曲与国有银行脆弱性

    Distortion of Finance Structure and Frangibility of State-owned Bank System

  14. 国有银行业的风险及防范

    Venture of State - owned Bank Industry and Its Countermeasures

  15. 我国国有银行税收负担非税制因素成因分析及对策建议

    Cause Analysis of Non-tax Institution Factors of The State-owned Banks and Suggestions

  16. 中国形成了以国有银行主导的金融体系具有其历史必然性。

    That China developed state-owned bank-dominated financial system has its history inevitability .

  17. 中国与德国的国有银行效率差异及其分析

    Efficiency Difference of Chinese and German State - owned Banks

  18. 国有银行则火上浇油。

    State-owned banks have added fuel to the fire .

  19. 国有银行的存差:逻辑与性质

    Deposit-loan Difference with State-owned Banks : Logic and Nature

  20. 垄断结构:国有银行的改革研究

    Monopoly Structure : A Research of State-owned Bank Reform

  21. 其改革方式和步骤为:(1)设立国有银行控股公司;

    The reform methods and steps : 1 . Establish state bank holding company .

  22. 国有银行和企业间不良债权债务关系的处置

    On the Unhealthy Creditor 's Rights and Debts between State Own Banks and Enterprises

  23. 国有银行信贷风险再分析

    Another Analysis on Credit Risk of State-owned Bank

  24. 注资与国有银行改革:一个金融政治经济学的视角

    Capital Injection and Reform of SOBs : A Perspective of Political Economy of Finance

  25. 国有银行上市必要性理论研究

    Listing Necessity Theoretical Research of State-run Bank

  26. 中国大多数银行为国有银行,国企依旧主导该国经济。

    Most of the country 's banks are state-controlled and state-run companies still dominate the economy .

  27. 关注国有银行与股份制银行的绩效差异

    Paying Close Attention to the Difference of Achievement and Efficiency between State-run Bank and Shareholding Bank

  28. 中国国有银行改革以其艰巨性和特殊性而一直引人注目。

    The reform of Chinese state-owned banks is given attention because of its hardships and particularity .

  29. 具体提出了如下建议:四大国有银行&主攻批发业务,尤其是针对优质大客户的业务;

    First , big state-owned banks should focus on wholesale business , especially to high quality clients .

  30. 面对外资银行的全面进入和国有银行的股份制改革的深化,中小银行面临着前所未有的激烈竞争。

    With foreign banks and state-owned banks ' development , small and medium banks face unprecedented competition .