
  • 网络russian architecture
  1. 近代哈尔滨的俄罗斯建筑具有独特的艺术魅力,它随着俄罗斯建筑设计者的到来而被引入了哈尔滨这片土地。

    The Russian architecture which was built in Harbin during modern ages has its special artistic charm .

  2. 开拓俄罗斯建筑市场的几点体会

    Experience in opening up the Russian construction market

  3. 抢抓机遇,挺进俄罗斯建筑市场

    Seize the opportunity to enter Russian construction market

  4. 这种建筑教育方式据笔者所知可称为世界唯一的俄罗斯建筑教育特色。

    The education method could be regarded as the special characteristic of Russia architecture education .

  5. 俄罗斯建筑形象的演变

    Evolution of Russian Architectural Image

  6. 中国华富公司却独辟蹊径闯出了一条成功之路,成为中国开拓俄罗斯建筑市场的一面旗帜。

    But Huafu has broken a successful road and become a new star on the Russian construction market .

  7. 目前国内关于俄罗斯建筑设计者的专题研究还处于非常分散的状态,缺少系统的归纳和总结。

    At present China , the status quo of the special study about Russian architect still is quite dispersive , lacking a systemic conclusion and summarization .

  8. 经过这次旅行,俄罗斯的建筑都显得矮小了。

    After this trip , buildings in Russia seem very small .

  9. 该设计沿袭了俄罗斯拜占庭建筑风格的传统。

    The design is in the tradition of Russian Byzantine architecture .

  10. 俄罗斯古迹建筑修复教育

    The Teaching of Historic Building 's Restoration in Russia

  11. 哈尔滨,中国最北的省黑龙江的省会,以一些令人称奇的俄罗斯老建筑的陈列而著称。

    Harbin , capital of China 's northernmost province Heilongjiang boasts a repository of some amazing old Russian architecture .

  12. 在中国历史上,只有俄罗斯式的建筑在50年代享受过这样的待遇。

    In Chinese history , only Russian architects enjoyed such an opportunity in the1950s .

  13. 《俄罗斯风格的建筑》在哈尔滨的大街上,看到很多的俄罗斯风格建筑。

    Russian style buildings There are many Russian style buildings in the street of Harbin .

  14. 其中包括俄罗斯一些著名建筑的复制品如东宫、莫斯科红场。

    Among them were replicas of some of Russia 's most famous architecture , such as the East Place , and Moscow 's Red Square .

  15. 并结合建筑创作实例,对转型时期建筑创作的各发展主流进行前瞻性的分析。最后,以技术维度为研究视阈,分析俄罗斯转型时期建筑创作的发展。

    Furthermore , in accordance with architectural creation instances , the thesis gives perspective analysis of a variety of main developments of architectural creation of transition period . Finally , in the view of technological dimension , the thesis analyzes Russian architectural creation evolution of the transition period .

  16. 圣巴西尔大教堂,俄罗斯最著名的建筑之一。

    The St. Basil 's Cathedral , one of the best known things in Russia .

  17. 这是俄罗斯真正的俄罗斯建筑设计风格独特的大型木制房屋。

    It was a unique to Russia style of building large wooden houses of genuine Russian design .

  18. 俄罗斯的古堡、建筑、秀丽风景到历史古迹,吸引喜欢寻幽探秘者到来游玩。

    Russia 's castle beautiful scenery , architecture , to historical sites , attracting like secluded spot , pp.104 up .

  19. 同时将发展研究物化到具体建筑作品中,对俄罗斯近几年新建的优秀实例进行分类总结,从而更清晰的反映俄罗斯建筑创作的实质。

    Meanwhile , the paper materializes the development research into specific architectural works , giving a comprehensive summarization of excellent architectural instances created in recent years , to clearly reflect the essence of Russian architectural creation .