
  • 网络Ohio;ohio university;University of Ohio;OhioUniversity
  1. 关于海外华裔人口的规模与增长状况,目前的资料还很匮乏。但俄亥俄大学(OhioUniversity)最近一项研究的估算,这一数字达到了3700万,其中的大多数人居住在东南亚地区。

    Data on the size and growth of the overseas Chinese population is scant , but research from the Ohio University recently estimated that population to be 37m , with the majority residing in south-east Asia .

  2. 橡树是俄亥俄大学的电子邮件系统。

    Oak is Ohio University 's e-mail system .

  3. 他获得了市场的迈阿密牛津,俄亥俄大学的MBA学位。

    He earned an MBA in marketing from Miami University in Oxford , Ohio .

  4. 这幅不可思议的海报是由俄亥俄大学的学生团体STARS创造的。

    These incredible posters were created by the student organization at OhioUniversity called Students Teaching Against Racism ( STARS ) .

  5. 利用美国俄亥俄大学等研制的地图分析软件包(MAP)能够比较容易地实现地图叠置分析,在城市土地利用空间结构演化等研究领域具有实用价值。

    It is simple to realize the map overlay analysis utilizing the Map AnalysisPackage ( MAP ) which was researched and produced by Ohio State University of U , S. A. and others .

  6. 俄亥俄大学(OhioStateUniversity)博士后丽莎·雅雷姆卡(LisaJaremka)在1月份的人格和社会心理学协会年会上做了一份报告,指出孤独的人对某些疱疹病毒可产生较高水平的抗体,这意味着他们体内含有更多活性病毒。

    Lisa Jaremka , a postdoctoral fellow at Ohio State University , reported in January at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology that people who are lonely have higher levels of antibodies to certain herpes viruses , indicating more activated viruses in their systems .

  7. 在俄亥俄大学,那时我投球投得很好。

    At University of Ohio . I could throw a footbal pretty well back then .

  8. 杨惠妍毕业于俄亥俄大学。

    She graduated from the Ohio university .

  9. 结婚给性格忧郁的人带来的好处是显著的,这让由俄亥俄大学社会学系师生组成的研究小组都大吃一惊。

    The benefits of marriage for the depressed are particularly dramatic , a finding that surprised the professor-student team behind the study .

  10. 但在看过了大量近期发现的动物骨骼后,来自俄亥俄大学的古生物学家杰克·贝利大胆地提出了一个不同的理论。

    But after looking at much more recent animal skeletons , paleontologist Jack Baily of Ohio University ventures a very different theory .

  11. 俄亥俄大学已经就硕士学位研究论文中的抄袭材料向所涉及的四十名工程学院的毕业生写了信。

    Ohio University has returned written to forty engineering graduates about copied material in the research papers for their master 's degrees .

  12. 她的母亲塔利是俄亥俄大学的一名负责给学生贷款的工作人员,她对大学教育费用是一个多么令人心跳畏缩的数字再熟悉不过了。

    Her mother , Tally , a financial-aid officer at an Ohio university , knows all too well the daunting calculus of paying for a college education .

  13. 俄亥俄大学社会学教授史蒂芬o斯坎兰指出:要解决食品安全问题,我们需要转变我们解决全球贫困和贫富差距问题的方式。

    To address food security , we need a shift in the way we address poverty and inequality in the world , Stephen Scanlan , a professor of sociology at Ohio University .

  14. 从关门之日起,医院就成了许多鬼故事的中心,俄亥俄大学现在拥有医院的土地产权,学生们把这些鬼故事传得栩栩如生。

    Since closing , the hospital has been the at the center of numerous ghost stories , most of which are kept alive by the students at the university , which now owns the asylum grounds .

  15. 该研究报告的第一作者、美国俄亥俄大学心理学助理教授佩吉?左可拉说:研究人员让人们报告她们陷入沉思的倾向性,然后研究这一倾向性是否与生理问题有关。

    Study lead author Peggy Zoccola , an assistant professor of psychology at Ohio University in the United States , said : ' Researchers have asked people to report their tendency to ruminate , and then looked to see if it connected to physiological issues .

  16. 俄亥俄大学经济学教授、美国企业研究所访问学者维德则担心一个过于急切采取行动的国会将通过可能产生负面效果的立法。他还对国会的钱从何处来提出了质疑。

    Richard Vedder , Professor of Economics at Ohio University and a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute is concerned that an overly-zealous Congress , as he puts it , will craft legislation that could have adverse effects and questions where the money will come from .

  17. 俄亥俄州立大学的科学家发现,人们能够根据脸色的变化来判断他人的情绪。

    Scientists from the Ohio State University have found that people are able to tell other people 's emotions according to changes in the color of their faces .

  18. Michael拥有俄亥俄州立大学的软件工程学位。

    Michael has a Software Engineering degree from the Ohio State University .

  19. 那篇文章发表后,俄亥俄州立大学(OhioStateUniversity)的研究人员发布了一项调查的详细结果。

    Since it appeared , details have been published of a study by researchers at Ohio State University .

  20. n.毕业生我的儿子和女儿都是俄亥俄州立大学的毕业生。

    alumni My son and my daughter are both alumni of Ohio State University .

  21. 他说:当我攻读完(俄亥俄州立大学(OhioStateUniversity)金融学)博士学位的时候,我就收到了香港中文大学的邀请,但我留在了美国。

    When I finished my PhD [ in finance at Ohio State University ] I had an offer from CUHK but stayed in the US , he says .

  22. 俄亥俄州立大学的LaraMcKenzie是首席研究员。

    Lara McKenzie from Ohio State University was the lead researcher .

  23. 俄亥俄州立大学(OhioStateUniversity)最近的一项调查显示,在2005年至2010年间,美国急诊室内接收的因行走时使用手机而受伤的病例数量增长了一倍,达1500例。

    The number of U.S. emergency-room visits linked to phone use on the move doubled to as many as 1 , 500 between 2005 and 2010 , an Ohio State University study recently showed .

  24. 俄亥俄州立大学公共卫生学院的副教授ElizabethKlein是该研究的首席作者。

    Elizabeth Klein , an assistant professor at the College of Public Health at Ohio State University , was the lead author .

  25. 1994年春季的一个早晨,俄亥俄州立大学(OhioStateUniversity)的心理学家约翰•卡乔波(JohnCacioppo)起身推开座椅,独自到校园里散步。

    One morning in the spring of 1994 , John Cacioppo , a psychologist at Ohio State University , pushed back his chair and set off for a solitary walk around campus .

  26. 俄亥俄州立大学(OhioStateUniversity)校长E·戈登·吉(E.GordonGee)于2013年卸任,任内最后一年他的薪俸超过了600万美元,当时媒体广为报道。

    For E. Gordon Gee 's final year as the president of Ohio State University , which he left in 2013 , he got a package of more than $ 6 million , as was widely reported .

  27. “总体而言,今年爱尔兰国内增长仍为高负值,”俄亥俄卫斯理大学(OhioWesleyanUniversity)教授西恩•柯称。

    " Taken together , Ireland remains in deeply negative domestic growth for the year , " says Sean Kay , professor at Ohio Wesleyan University and author of Celtic revival ?

  28. 俄亥俄州立大学的研究报告表明,按照美国大学的评分方法,与从不使用该网站的学生相比,使用Facebook的学生平均分“低得多”。

    The Ohio report shows that students who used Facebook had a " significantly " lower grade point average - the marking system used in US universities - than those who did not use the site .

  29. 同时,俄亥俄州立大学(OhioStateUniversity)社会学家雷切尔德怀尔(RachelDwyer)表示,大多数新创造的就业岗位都集中在最顶端和最底层,中间的职位较少。

    At the same time , says Rachel Dwyer , a sociologist at Ohio State University , most job creation has been at the top and bottom of the scale , with fewer jobs in the middle .

  30. 俄亥俄州立大学研究人际交流的助理教授杰西•福克斯(JesseFox)表示,对于那些本就更可能突破正常行为的界限的人来说,自拍往往更有吸引力。

    Selfies tend to attract a type of person already more likely to push the boundaries of normal behaviour , says Jesse Fox , an assistant professor of communications at Ohio State University .