
  • 网络matryoshka;Matryoshka doll;Russian doll
  1. 其中一个发现便是,我们的宇宙就像是俄罗斯套娃的一部分,可能栖身于一个黑洞内,而这个黑洞本身又是一个更大宇宙的一部分。

    One of those discoveries is that , like part of a cosmic Russian doll , our universe may be nested inside a black hole that is itself part of a larger universe .

  2. 俄罗斯套娃式礼物指那些被包装了好多层的礼物,你得一层一层地揭开包装纸,想着什么时候才能看到礼物,而送礼物的那个人则在一边坏笑着看你拆包装。

    Russian Doll present is a gift that 's been wrapped multiple times , causing you to rip away layer after layer of paper and wondering when it will finally stop , while the person who gave it to you looks on with a wicked grin .

  3. 分布式DB2版本非常类似于俄罗斯套娃&某个版本中的特性通常都会在另一个更高级的版本中找到。

    The distributed DB2 editions are very much a set of Russian nesting dolls & what 's in one edition is generally in the higher editions .

  4. 加尔湖的Listvyanka村,湖畔的纪念品市场上出售的俄罗斯套娃。

    Matryoskha dolls for sale at souvenir market on waterfront in Listvyanka village on Lake Baikal .

  5. 这孩子有点像俄罗斯套娃

    The girl 's like one of those Russian dolls .

  6. 俄罗斯套娃有数以千计的不同风格。

    There are thousands of different styles of matryoshka .

  7. 你可以买到不同面貌和不同风格的俄罗斯套娃--有些非常非常有趣。

    You can buy them with different faces , with different styles-some really really funny ones .

  8. 现在,一项针对手机通话的研究试图检验邓巴教授的假说——即我们的感情亲密度是像俄罗斯套娃那样分层分布的——进而帮助理解我们如何给自己的社交关系分层。

    Now a study of mobile phone calls has attempted to test Prof Dunbar 's hypothesis about our Russian doll-like shells of emotional intimacy , providing insight into how we stratify our social connections .

  9. 布拉格绝不缺乏纪念品商店,尤其是在游人如织的老城,但大多数店里出售的都是俄罗斯套娃、苏联坦克司令帽复制品或巴塞罗那足球队的运动服,与捷克文化或传统没有关联。

    There 's no shortage of souvenir shops in Prague , especially in touristic Old Town , but most of what these shops offer - Russian-style nesting dolls , reproduction Soviet tank commander hats , knockoff Barcelona football jerseys - has no connection to Czech culture or traditions .

  10. 到莫斯科或是俄罗斯,最佳的纪念品大概就是俄罗斯套娃了。

    The best souvenirs from Moscow , from Russia , could be the Russian matryoshka .