
zhān xié
  • felt shoes
毡鞋[zhān xié]
  1. 天黑以后来了几个人,他们穿着毡鞋,默不作声,以前就曾经到这里来过。

    After dark there come some visitors - noiseless visitors , with shoes of felt - who have been there before ;

  2. 天黑以后来了几个人,他们穿着毡鞋,默不作声,以前就曾经到这里来过。随着他们来的是一张安息的床,这是一张多么奇怪的给孩子睡眠的床啊!

    After dark there come some visitors noiseless visitors , with shoes of felt who have been there before ; and with them comes that bed of rest which is so strange a one for infant sleepers .