
zhèng jiè
  • political circles;government circles
政界 [zhèng jiè]
  • [political circles;government circles] 从事政治活动的一些社会成员的总体,即政治界

  • 政界要员

政界[zhèng jiè]
  1. 我现在又是在猜测了,因为我没有涉足政界。

    I 'm guessing again now because I 'm not hooked into the political circles

  2. 他在政界赫赫有名。

    He is well-known in political circles .

  3. 他有一些政界关系,所以自认为谁也管不了他。

    Given his political connections , he thought he was untouchable .

  4. 政界和媒体在这一问题上保持一致。

    Politicians and the media are marching in lockstep on this issue .

  5. 政界将在本周晚些时候讨论这个议案。

    Politicians will be debating the bill later this week .

  6. 政界人物的减税承诺言辞含混。

    The politicians made vague promises about tax cuts .

  7. 政治常常仅与政界人士的个人虚荣有关。

    Politics is too often concerned only with the personal vanities of politicians .

  8. 今天晚上出席座谈会的有两位政界人士。

    We have two politicians on tonight 's panel .

  9. 医疗卫生是政界的一个敏感问题。

    Health care is a politically sensitive issue .

  10. 在政界右翼人士中这种想法很流行。

    Such thinking is fashionable among right-wing politicians .

  11. 政界的性丑闻对通俗小报总是多多益善。

    Political sex scandals are all grist to the mill of the tabloid newspapers .

  12. 公众比报界和总统的政界同事更能体谅他的难处。

    The public was more forgiving of the president 's difficulties than the press and fellow politicians .

  13. 在切尔诺贝利核泄漏灾难发生以后,她开始投身政界。

    She became involved with political causes after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster

  14. 这两位从政者代表了政界的两个极端。

    The two politicians represent opposite poles of the political spectrum .

  15. 他已经确立了自己在美国政界的核心地位。

    He has established himself as a pivotal figure in US politics

  16. 这些名不见经传的团体在国内政界无足轻重。

    These obscure groups were of little account in national politics .

  17. 杰克逊不想损害自己政界名人的声誉。

    Jackson doesn 't want to damage his reputation as a political personality

  18. 这些军人在考虑重返政界。

    The military men are contemplating a re-entry into politics .

  19. 军队拒绝接受政界领导层下达的命令。

    The army refused to accept orders from the political leadership

  20. 1964年约翰逊的大获成功给政界带来了翻天覆地的变化。

    Johnson 's smashing victory in 1964 changed the political horizon substantially .

  21. 现在政界讲究的无非是合适的发型和时髦的衣着。

    Now politics is all about the right haircut and a sharp suit

  22. 大众的支持对任何一名政界人士来说都是佳音。

    Popular support — it 's music to the ears of any politician .

  23. 该国的政界人士均已松了口气。

    The country 's politicians are already heaving a collective sigh of relief .

  24. 约翰·梅杰已攀上了英国政界的顶峰。

    John Major has reached the pinnacle of British politics

  25. 他是一位历史学家,工作的缘故使他处在了和政界的当权者对立的位置上。

    His work as a historian brought him into conflict with the political establishment

  26. 他已树立起一个政界元老的形象。

    He has cultivated the image of an elder statesman

  27. 他们试图把他逐出政界。

    They tried to banish him from politics .

  28. 他已经写了8本书,树立起了其政界元老的形象。

    He has written eight books and has cultivated the image of an elder statesman

  29. 他渴望进入政界。

    He was eager to get into politics .

  30. 政界的歇斯底里让他厌烦,他把报纸扔到了地板上。

    The political hysteria soon wearied him and he dropped the newspaper to the floor .