
  1. 她因制定了这些政策性文件而受到攻击。

    She is being attacked for her authorship of the policy document .

  2. 建设进取性大学是联合国教科文组织在《高等教育变革与发展的政策性文件》中提出的21世纪世界高等教育的新使命。

    To construct pro-active universities is the new mission for the worldwide higher education in the 21 st century , which is proposed by the UNESCO .

  3. 近年来,我国银行业监督管理委员会逐渐将商业银行流动性风险管理提上正式议事日程,颁布了一系列政策性文件。

    In recent years , the China Banking Regulatory Commission has attached much importance to liquidity risk management , and promulgated a series of the policy documents .

  4. 自上世纪八十年代以来,全国各级政府根据国家出台的一系列法律法规或者政策性文件,广泛建立起了价格调节基金制度。

    In recent years , governments at all levels , in accordance with national laws and regulations introduced a number of columns or policy documents , establish a widespread system of price regulation fund .

  5. 我国到目前为止仍没有一部调整农业保险的专门法律,多是政策性文件,这使农业保险的法律保障体系极其薄弱。

    Our country is so far having no one specialized law to adjustment of agricultural insurance , mostly are policy documents , which makes the legal protection of agricultural insurance system is extremely weak .

  6. 20多年来,先后召开了三次全国教育工作会议,出台了两决定一纲要三个重要政策性文件,推进教育改革的不断深化和升华。

    The past twenty years , three conferences have been held successively on the nationwide educational work and issued " two decisions and one programme ", thus gradually deepened and upgraded the reform in education .

  7. 我国现阶段,明确规定环境责任保险的相关政府文件性质上不是法律法规,而只是属于政策性文件,这种性质决定了其往往具有很强的指导性,但是不具有法律约束力。

    At present stage , China clearly define environmental liability insurance is not the nature of laws and regulations related to government documents , but only a policy document with strong guidance not legally binding .

  8. 2002年俄总统普京亲自签署了科技发展的政策性文件&《俄联邦2010年前和未来国家科技发展基本政策》等法律政策。

    In 2002 Russia President Putin has signed the technical development policy-type document personally □□" the Russia Federation 2010 Ago And Future Country Science and technology Development Basic Policy " and so on the legal policy .

  9. 《中国文化报》的网站称,官员表示,文化部和体育总局将于近期联合出台引导、扶持和规范广场健身操舞活动的政策性文件。

    According to officials , the Ministry of Culture and the General Administration of Sport will soon jointly issue a policy document to guide , support and regulate outdoor exercise-dancing activities , China Culture Daily said .

  10. 由于现有的政策性文件不能解决此项重组活动涉税业务的复杂问题,因此宜采取理论与实践相结合的方法对分立企业与被分立企业涉税事项的计税依据及其会计处理进行规范。

    Because the existing policy-based documents can not solve the complex problems in tax-concerned business of reorganization , it is necessary to standardize tax assessment basis and accounting treatment of separating enterprises and being separated enterprises .

  11. 住宅用途商业化,又经常被社会公众及相关政策性文件简称为住改商,是指业主将住宅改变为经营性用房的行为。

    Housing commercialization , also frequently regarded as housing to business by the social public and related policy document , refers to the behavior that the owner changes the dwelling to use the room for the management .

  12. 相关部门应尽快出台的政策性文件,引导和规范农村宅基地使用权地流转行为,促进农村宅基地使用权有序流转。

    Related departments should as soon as possible in the policy document to guide and regulate the flow of rural residential land use right to act to promote the orderly flow of rural residential land use right .

  13. 《中国文化报》的网站称,官员表示,文化部和体育总局“将于近期联合出台引导、扶持和规范广场健身操舞活动的政策性文件”。

    According to officials , the Ministry of Culture and the General Administration of Sport " will soon jointly issue a policy document to guide , support and regulate outdoor exercise-dancing activities , " China Culture Daily said .

  14. 这份政策性文件中提到了对小麦、稻谷、玉米、油菜籽和食糖的继续储备,却没有提到任何有关棉花储备的内容,这表明中国正在悄然放弃棉花储备计划。

    The absence of any reference to cotton reserves in a policy document that spoke of the continued stockpiling of wheat , rice , corn , rapeseed and sugar points to the quiet abandonment of the cotton hoarding programme .

  15. 关于政策性银行的立法文件,也仅仅停留在政策层面和行政层面的低级水平,根本不具备法律层次的权威性、系统性和规范性。

    The legal documents on policy-banks , has remained only at the policy level and the low rate of the administrative level , does not have the legal authority level , systematic and standardized .