
zhènɡ zhì sù zhì
  • Political quality;political caliber
  1. 新时期大学生政治素质稳定、健康,但政治觉悟有待提高;

    Nowadays college students have healthy and steady political caliber , but their political consciousness needs improving .

  2. 管理员必须具备的素质首要的就是政治素质,其次是道德素质、业务素质和管理素质。

    A primary one of quality that the administrator must possess is the political caliber , secondly ethical quality , the professional qualifications and management quality .

  3. 面对加入WTO后的新形势,侦查人员必须具备过硬的政治素质、法制观念、纪律作风。

    Facing the new situation after China 's entry of WTO , investigators should have a perfect mastery of political quality , legal sense , style of discipline and high efficiency of work .

  4. 提升大学生思想政治素质的现实意义

    The Realistic Signification Promoting Thinking and Political Quality of College Students

  5. 对提高高校辅导员政治素质的思考

    Pondering on Ways to Improving the Political Quality of College Instructors

  6. 关于领导干部思想政治素质的思考

    Thoughts on the Qualities of Cadres ' Ideological and Political Awareness

  7. 思想政治素质是素质教育的灵魂。

    Ideological and political quality is the essence of quality education .

  8. 对提高领导干部政治素质的几点理性思考

    A Few Reasonable Reflections on Improving the Political Makings of Our Leaders

  9. 如何提高加油站站长的政治素质

    On How to Improve the Political Quality of Gas Stationmaster

  10. 河南省大学生政治素质现状及存在问题分析

    Analysis on current situation and question of Henan students ' political quality

  11. 措施:1、强化政治素质;

    Some measures are followed : improving the political qualities ;

  12. 论高校思想政治素质教育中的无意识教育

    Unconscious Education of Political and Ideological Quality Education in Colleges and Universities

  13. 以党建带团建促进大学生思想政治素质的提高

    Party construction drives league construction to improve students'quality in ideology and politics

  14. 在价值维度,个人思想政治素质主要包括政治素质、思想素质、道德素质等。

    The value dimension involves ideological , political , and ethical capacities .

  15. 大学生素质的核心是思想政治素质。

    The core of student 's quality is ideological standards and political awareness .

  16. 思想政治素质教育的重要性

    On the Importance of Ideological and Political Quality Education

  17. 加强中青年干部思想政治素质建设的战略思考

    A Strategy to Enhance the Political Quality of the Middle-aged and Young Cadres

  18. 亟待提高高校教师思想政治素质

    Urgently improve college teachers ' ideology and political quality

  19. 青年教师政治素质与事业有成的互动性研究

    The Interplay Between Young College teachers ' Political Quality and Their Career Success

  20. 新时期文科学报编辑政治素质的培养

    How to foster political quality of the editors of art in the new period

  21. 注重培养政治素质;

    Stress on the fostering of political quality ;

  22. 谈当代大学生的思想政治素质教育

    A Talk on the Ideological and Political Quality Education for the Present College Students

  23. 政治素质是军队干部应具备的基本素质。

    The political quality is the essential quality of the cadres in the army .

  24. 思想政治素质教育论

    On the Education of Ideological and Political Quality

  25. 科技干部思想政治素质的提高

    Improving of Mental Political Diathesis on Scientific Cadre

  26. 现代图书馆员的综合素质包括政治素质和业务素质两方面。

    The comprehensive qualities of modem librarian are composed of political qualities and professional qualities .

  27. 政治素质是思想政治课教师应当具备的最基本素质。

    Political levels are the basic ones for ideology and politics teachers to possess firstly .

  28. 在党课教学中提高大学生的思想政治素质

    To improve college students 's ideological and political quality in teaching courses about the Party

  29. 基本素质要求包括政治素质要求、专业技术素质要求和心理素质要求;

    The basic literacy requirement includes political literacy , professional technical literacy and psychological literacy ;

  30. 素质主要包含思想政治素质和健康的心理素质两个方面。

    Quality mainly includes two aspects : ideological and political quality and healthy psychological quality .