
  • 网络government protection
  1. 政府保护的动机与效果&一个实证分析

    The Incentives and Effects of Government Protection

  2. 很多分析家对工业利润的数据表示怀疑,他们指出国有企业的计算结果受得益于政府保护的垄断巨头的驱使下而得出的。

    Many analysts are skeptical of the industrial profit data , saying the state-sector results are driven by big monopolies that benefit from government protection .

  3. 第四条中国政府保护在中国境内的外国人的合法权利和利益。

    Article 4 The Chinese Government shall protect the lawful rights and interests of aliens on Chinese territory .

  4. 在WTO框架下,农业保险属于绿箱政策,是各国政府保护、促进农业发展的有效工具之一。

    Agricultural insurance is an " Green Policy " and it is one of the effective tools in protecting and promoting agricultural development in the world .

  5. 今年8月,受政府保护的两家抵押贷款巨头房利美(FannieMae)和房地美(FreddieMac)的股价从0.6美元左右反弹至2美元。

    Shares of two government wards , mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac , bounced between about 60 cents and $ 2 in August .

  6. 环保人士呼吁各国政府保护环境。

    Environmentalists appeal to every government to preserve the environment .

  7. 试论清政府保护旅美华侨政策的局限性

    Limitation of Qing Government 's Policy to Protect the Chinese in America

  8. 地方政府保护环境的积极性低;

    Local governments have no high initiative in environmental protection ;

  9. 格鲁吉亚总理比斯迪那·伊万什维利表示他的政府保护少数人。

    Georgian Prime Minister Bizdina Ivanishvili said that his government protects minorities .

  10. 环保组织对昆士兰州政府保护大堡礁的规划,表示欢迎。

    Environmental groups welcome the Queensland plan to protect the Great Barrier Reef .

  11. 环保组织十分支持昆士兰州政府保护大堡礁的计划。

    Environmental groups greatly support the Queensland 's plan to protect the Great Barrier Reef .

  12. 这是政府保护少数派一个非常明确的例子。

    It was a very clear-cut example of how government acted in defense of those minorities .

  13. 本文第二章在系统阐述绿色税收概念的基础上,将绿色税收环保措施与其它环保手段加以比较,得出了绿色税收是政府保护环境最佳经济手段的结论。

    Find that the green tax revenue is the best and economic means of the environmental protection .

  14. 政府保护和支持措施的规模、数量以及紧迫性都是无可比拟的,而且在根本上是受欢迎的。

    The size , number and urgency of governmental security and support measures are unparalleled and are fundamentally welcome .

  15. 地方各级人民政府保护本行政区域内的文物。

    Local people 's governments at various levels shall place under their protection cultural relics in their respective administrative areas .

  16. 然而,由于非正规金融掌握信息的有限性和得不到法律认可与政府保护,从而它也存在许多缺陷,并对经济的平稳运行产生一些破坏作用。

    However , for some reasons , informal credit appears lots of defects and it brings some bad effect on economic development .

  17. 每一个经济发展项目都要考虑到政府保护环境和传统文化的要求。

    Each economic program takes into account the government " s desire to protect the country " s environment and cultural traditions .

  18. 他旗下许多公司都是受政府保护的垄断企业,或者说长期维持形式上的垄断,足够他建立一个无法超越的竞争地位。

    Many of his companies are state-protected monopolies or continued to be formal monopolies long enough for him to build an insuperable competitive position .

  19. 但过去一年,规模过大而不能倒闭的信条表明,如果政府保护一切债权人,优先地位就没有任何意义。

    But in the last year the too big to fail doctrine has shown that , if governments protect all creditors , preferential status is meaningless .

  20. 同时本文概述了平遥在管理体制呈现出的特色和政府保护活动的特殊作用。

    This paper also discusses some features concerning the administrative system of conversation on abroad , and the peculiar role of government in the protective action .

  21. 财政支农作为政府保护和支持农业的重要手段,对农业经济发展具有重要的促进作用。

    As an important means for the government protection and support of agriculture , fiscal expenditure for agriculture has main simulative effect to agricultural economy development .

  22. 这项公约还呼吁各国政府保护妇女远离二手烟雾,在妇女感觉无力保护自己和子女的国家尤应如此。

    The Convention also calls on Governments to protect women from second-hand tobacco smoke & especially in countries where women feel powerless to protect themselves and their children .

  23. 农业保险是一种风险管理的手段,同时它也有益于政府保护和补贴农业。

    Agricultural insurance is one of the important tools of risk management of agricultural natural hazard , as an important means of governments to protect agriculture and agricultural subsidies .

  24. 研究日本政府保护本国工业的做法,可以为我们处理好对外开放与保护民族工业的关系提供有益的启示。

    The study of the ways the Japanese government to protect home industry will give us great inspiration in handling the relationship between open-door policy and the protection of national industry .

  25. 在分析地方政府保护存在的问题之后,本文提出了相应的对策,这是论文的重点。

    After on the analysis of the problems of existing in the local government protection , this paper put forward the corresponding countermeasures , this is the key of the paper .

  26. 同时为政府保护水库水资源、防治水污染、制定区域社会经济发展规划提供决策依据,促进水库水资源的可持续利用,使水库最大限度地发挥工程效益、促进区域经济的发展。

    Moreover , it man put forward the sustainable utilization of reservoir water resource and achieve the maximum engineering benefit of the reservoir , therefore contribute to the local economy development .

  27. 正如美国大学法学教授南希。波立克夫所争辩的,成年人的义务和权力应得到政府保护,已经不可能再用结婚证书进行合理区分了。

    As Nancy Polikoff , an American University law professor , argues , the marriage license no longer draws reasonable dividing lines regarding which adult obligations and rights merit state protection .

  28. 这个排行榜全面反应了各方面信息,从宽带普及率、政府保护私有财产的决心到当地企业的专利和版税收入程度。

    The rankings reflect everything from broadband penetration to government commitments to the sanctity of private property and the extent to which companies in a region generate patents and royalty licence fees .

  29. 这名发言人说:网民反应强烈,要求政府保护青少年身心健康,因此这是为了营造文明健康的网络环境。

    Internet users urged the government to protect young viewers from disturbing and misleading content , the spokesperson said . So the intention is to build a healthy environment for online programming .

  30. 股票是银行的相当亲的亲人,银行能像所有公司获得利息减税优惠那样从他们的放债中得到利益,这点毫无疑问绝对是受政府保护的。

    Equity capital is relatively dear for banks , which benefit from an implicit state guarantee on their debt finance as well as the tax breaks on interest payments enjoyed by all firms .