
zhènɡ zhì ɡōnɡ zuò
  • political work
  1. 加入WTO后做好企业思想政治工作的若干思考

    Ponderings over the Necessity of Enhancing the Thought and Political Work in Enterprises after Entering the WTO

  2. 面对加入WTO带来的负面影响,必须不断探索思想政治工作的新路子,积极寻求有效的对策,开创思想政治工作新局面。

    Facing the negative effects brought by the entry to the WTO , we must explore new approaches in ideological and political work search effective countermeasures and innovate new methods in ideological and political work .

  3. 他放弃了按部就班的政治工作,不再参与公众事务。

    He gave up on programmatic politics and turned his back on public life .

  4. CI战略与思想政治工作

    CI Strategy and Ideology Politics work

  5. 中国加入WTO后的社会现实已经发生或即将发生深刻的变化,它使思想政治工作面临许多新情况、产生许多新问题。

    The Chinese social reality has taken or will take great changes after China joined the WTO , which makes mentality and politics work being faced with many new situations and gives rise to many new problems .

  6. 思想政治工作的重要原则:以人为本

    " People-centered ": the Cardinal Principle of Ideological and Political Work

  7. 企业经营诚信缺失矫治与思想政治工作

    On Lack of Credit in the Business & the Ideological Work

  8. 思想政治工作就是引导的工作。

    Ideological and political work are to give guidance to people .

  9. 思想政治工作效率刍议

    A Tentative Discussion on the Efficiency of Ideological and Political work

  10. 积极探索高校思想政治工作的新途径&浅谈高校政治辅导员如何做好思想政治工作

    On Exploring New Approach to Political and Ideological works in Universities

  11. 高职院校学生思想政治工作应突出针对性

    Ideological and Political Work for Professional College Students Must Have Pertinence

  12. 领导干部思想政治工作探析

    A Contemplation on the Political , Ideological Work of the Leaders

  13. 高职学生思想政治工作的若干思考

    Some Ideas about Vocational College Students ' Ideological and Political Work

  14. 服务群众是思想政治工作的根本

    Serving the Masses Is the Foundation of Ideological and Political Work

  15. 网络传播对青年民警思想政治工作影响的新思考

    Internet Influence on the Ideological and Political Work of Youth Policemen

  16. 为提高思想政治工作的实效性而努力

    Strive to Improve the Actual Effect of Ideological and Political Work

  17. 网络环境下大理学院思想政治工作的调查与研究

    Investigation on the Ideological and Political Work in the Network Environment

  18. 论加强高校青年教师的思想政治工作

    On Strengthening the Young Teachers ' Ideological Education in Higher Institutions

  19. 加强水文化研究创新思想政治工作途径

    Strengthen the water culture research and innovate ideology and politics work way

  20. 思想政治工作不同于政治思想工作。

    Ideological political work is different from political ideological work .

  21. 构建和谐校园加强高校思想政治工作

    Setting up the Harmonious Campus Enhancing College Thought Political Work

  22. 大学管理中辅导员思想政治工作能力的需求分析

    The university manages instructor ideology political works ability demand analysis

  23. 所以,思想政治工作方式具有非爆发特性。

    Therefore , ideological and political work style bears the non-breaking characteristic .

  24. 企业文化与企业思想政治工作的辨证统一

    The Dialectical Unification of Enterprise Culture and Enterprise Ideological and Political Work

  25. 关于测绘单位思想政治工作方法的思考

    Pondering about Ideological and Political Work Method in Surveying and Mapping Unit

  26. 思想政治工作是我们工作的重要方法。

    The ideological and political work is the important task .

  27. 思想政治工作要与时俱进,不断创新

    Ideological and Political Work Should Progress with Time and Make Constant Innovations

  28. 发挥网络优势加强新时期思想政治工作

    Exerting Net Advantage , Strengthening Ideology and Politics Work in New Era

  29. 高校学生公寓管理与思想政治工作

    Management of Student Residences and the Political Work in Universities

  30. 加强职业院校思想政治工作之我见

    On Enhancing Ideological and Political Work of Vocational Technology Colleges