
  • 网络policy process
  1. AVS技术标准制定过程中的政府与市场双失灵&基于政策过程与工具分析框架的研究

    Market Failure and Government Failure in AVS Standard Setting : A Study based on Policy Process Instruments Framework

  2. 公共政策过程与行业协会的角色定位&中关村外商投资协会的案例研究

    Public Policy Process and the Role Definition of the Industrial Associations

  3. 公共政策过程实质上是一个政治过程。

    Process of public policy is a political process by nature .

  4. 而公共政策过程就是不断整合利益的过程。

    The process of public policy is the process of interest integration .

  5. 论公共政策过程中的政府利益及其影响

    On the Government Interest in the Implementation of Public Policies

  6. 论我国政策过程中的程序正义

    On the Procedural Justice in Policy Process of Our Country

  7. 公共政策过程的制度公正与博弈均衡探析

    Inquiring and Analyzing the Justice of Public Policy Process System by Game Equilibrium

  8. 这种研究思路承继政策过程“互动”和“不可预知性”的思想,强调政策过程中的政治性。

    This succeeds the ideas of'interaction'and'unpredictability'and emphasizes the characteristic of politicalizing the policy process .

  9. 政行二分理论视野中的我国政策过程分析

    The Analysis of Policy Process in China from the perspective of the Politics-Administration Dichotomy

  10. 政策过程中的议程设置阻力学&隐蔽议程现象分析框架

    Obstruction Theory of Agenda Setting in the Policy Process : Analytical Framework of Hidden Agenda

  11. 孙中山确立联俄政策过程中与苏俄的分歧及其解决

    The Rift in the Process of Sun Yat-sen and Soviets Forms Alliance and Its Solve

  12. 第三章,政策过程的博弈及博弈均衡分析。

    Balance and policy process game balance .

  13. 当前,公共政策过程中的公民参与进入了崭新的发展时期。

    Now citizen participation in the whole of public policy course is entering brand-new develop time .

  14. 公众参与政策过程是公民政治参与的必要组成部分。

    Public participation in the policy process is a necessary part of citizens ' political participation .

  15. 利益集团的多元化和其作用与影响的不断增大,必然会影响公共政策过程。

    Diverse interest groups and its increasing role and influence is bound to influence public policy process .

  16. 中国教育政策过程中的策略空间:一个对政策变迁的解释框架

    A Space for the Strategies in Chinese Educational Policy Process : An Interpretative Framework on the Policy Changes

  17. 在实现他宣称的物价稳定和充分就业的政策过程中,它彻底失败了。

    In achieving its stated policy of price stability and full employment it has been an utter failure .

  18. 公民参与公共政策过程正成为公共政策领域内的一个普遍现象。

    Citizens participating in the public policy process has increasingly become a prevalent phenomenon in the field of public policy .

  19. 公共政策过程一般分为三个阶段:即政策制定、政策执行与政策评估。

    Generally speaking , a public policy should take three steps : policy making , policy implementation and policy evaluation .

  20. 第七,在制定林业政策过程中,国家应对森林质量给予更多关注。

    Seventh , in the formulation of forest policy process , the state should pay more attention to the forest quality .

  21. 论文核心章。主要探讨了政策过程各环节的博弈行为。

    It is core part of the paper , and discusses policy process game behavior in every link and stage mainly .

  22. 与此同时公众强烈要求参与公共政策过程以保障自己合法权益的呼声也越来越高。

    Meanwhile , the request of public participating the process of policy to guarantee the legal interests is more and more urgent .

  23. 奠定两方评论性意见基础的(1)科学和(2)政策过程的模型分别是什么?

    What are the implicit models of ( 1 ) science and ( 2 ) the policy process that underpin both sides'critiques ?

  24. 政策过程的研究更多地倾向于政策的形成阶段,而忽视了政策议程设置的研究。

    The working on policy process studies tended to be more policy formation stage , ignoring the research of policy agenda setting .

  25. 杭州名校集团化政策过程分析&基于政策精英理性主导的视角

    A Process Analysis of " Famous School Collectivization Strategy " in Hangzhou : From the Point View of Rational Guidance of Policy Elite

  26. 但是整合面临的最重要障碍是农业、卫生以及它们的研究和政策过程的长期隔离。

    But the most important barrier to integration is the longstanding isolation of agriculture and health , and their research and policy processes .

  27. 人群健康评价是卫生政策过程乃至公共政策过程的关键环节。

    Population health assessment , so , is the key to inform the health policy process or even to the public policy process .

  28. 网络条件下公众参与政策过程是把双刃剑,有积极作用也有消极作用。

    With the network , public participation in the policy process is " double-edged sword ", which has positive effects as well as negative effects .

  29. 根据西方政治学理论,公共政策过程是一个多种因素相互作用的动态过程,利益集团的多元化和活动能力的增长,必然会影响公共政策的制定和执行。

    By western political science theory , policy process is a complicated dynamic process . The development of interest group definitely affects the public policy .

  30. 三是政策过程中中央和地方的关系难以理顺,并不能很好的体现公众利益。

    Thirdly , during the policy making process , the centrality-locality relationship is hard to be managed , and cannot well embody the public profits .