
  • 网络URLs;site link;Links;Web Links
  1. 在此情况下,服务提供者通常会向服务使用者提供一个网站链接,可以从此处访问新WSDL和XSD文件。

    In this situation service providers typically provide service consumers with a Web site link where they can access the new WSDL and XSD files .

  2. 同时,不要忘了将文章与你的网站链接到出版商。

    Also , don 't forget to submit articles with your web site link to the publishers .

  3. com,并已和本地的主要农业网站链接。

    Com . It was also connected to main agricultural web sites in Yangzhou .

  4. 本论文的研究目的就是将Web数据挖掘技术应用到搜索引擎优化中,以关键词优化和网站链接结构优化为主要研究对象,使得优化过程能同时关注搜索引擎和网站访问用户。

    Keyword optimization and website structure optimization is the main object of study , make the optimization process can also focus on search engine and web access user .

  5. 您的作品必须以CD,DVD或者个人网站链接的方式递交。

    Your work must be submitted on CD , DVD or your web portfolio ( movie files ) .

  6. 网络信息计量学研究(IV)&网站链接特征的分层研究

    Study on Webometrics ( Part 4 ) & Study on the Characters of Hyperlink Based on the Layer of Website

  7. 比如说,如果你注意到公司的网站链接没有出现在Facebook或Twitter上,那就自愿创建一个。

    For example , if you noticed that your company doesn 't have a presence on sites like Facebook or Twitter , volunteer to create one .

  8. 接下来,谷歌会列出一系列定义assiduous的网站链接。

    Google then spits out a bunch of links to Web definitions for assiduous .

  9. Candace可以给你们网站链接如果你们有兴趣的话。

    Candace can give you a link if interested .

  10. 央视报道称,信息收集者可通过向银行卡用户发送含钓鱼网站链接的短信、设置免费Wi-Fi信号、利用改装POS机破解或窃取用户信息。

    According to CCTV , the information collectors would send bank card users text messages with links to phishing sites , set up free Wi-Fi signals , or use converted POS machines to hack or steal users ' information .

  11. 就拿营销公司NSI来说。去年该公司想出点子将”赐予的快乐“节日卡片送给客户、员工和销售商。在这些卡片上有一个周期性网站链接。

    Take marketing company NSI , which last year came up with an idea to send " Joy of Giving " holiday cards to clients , staff and vendors with a link to its seasonal Web site .

  12. 为了增加图书馆主页的点击率,本文介绍了五种方法&加入搜索引擎,与相关网站链接,利用BBS,加入广告交换网,使用电子邮件。

    In order to increase the click rate of the library homepage , the article introduces five kinds of methods & joining search engine , linking the relevant Web sites , utilizing BBS , taking part in the advertisement exchange network , and making use of E-mail .

  13. 检查整个网站链接到首页的情况。

    Check the link to your home page throughout your site .

  14. 基于灰关联度的大学网站链接数据分析

    Analysis of the Link Data of the Universities Websites Based on GRA

  15. 体育院校图书馆网站链接特征的计量分布

    Measurement Distribution of the Characteristics of Website Hyperlinks of the PE College Libraries

  16. 电子超市网站链接结构优化的多目标模型

    Multi-objective model for link structure optimization of e-supermarket website

  17. 我国大学图书馆网站链接的实证分析&以中国211工程高校为例

    Demonstration Analysis of University Library Website Link in China

  18. 更重要的是鼓励从其他网站链接到你的博客(网志)。

    Even more important is encouraging links from other sites to your blog .

  19. 要发布未经允许的网站链接。

    Do not post direct links of your site .

  20. 在与其他网站链接时要格外小心。

    Be careful in linking to other web sites .

  21. 基于网页可达性和访问率的电子超市网站链接结构优化方法

    Accessibility and visiting rate based optimal adjustment approach to link structure for E-supermarket website

  22. 如何申请从世卫组织网站链接到我的网站?

    How do I request a link from the WHO web site to my site ?

  23. 尽量通过各种手段推广你的原创内容并让其它网站链接给你

    Link to other great , original content and invite other publishers to link to yours

  24. 他们可能与外部网站链接。

    They may link to external sites .

  25. 中国信息化优秀企业网站链接分析与网络影响因子测度

    Hyperlink Analysis and its Impact Measurement

  26. 等到大功告成时,从脖子到脚踝,他的身上将会被密密麻麻的网站链接覆盖。

    When its done , Pat will be covered in URLs from his neck to his ankles .

  27. 一般家庭自动化资源:全面搜集的网站链接资源,可以在这里找到。

    General Home Automation resources : A comprehensive gathering of links to web resources can be found here .

  28. 创建简短、描述性的网页标题,促使搜索引擎用户点击网站链接。

    Create short , descriptive page titles , to entice search engine users to click on your links .

  29. 去年,官方媒体批评了百度和其它搜索引擎传播没有经营许可的医药网站链接。

    Last year , state media attacked Baidu and other search engines for carrying links to unlicensed pharmaceuticals sites .

  30. 您可以通过这些页面与其他网站链接,从而获得更加深入的信息。

    You can use these pages to link to other web sites where you can get more in-depth information .