
  1. 根据《新京报》报道,中国文化部上周四发布规定,网络主播将对被认为不当的内容负责,严重违规者将被列进全国黑名单。

    According to a guideline issued last Thursday by China 's Ministry of Culture , live-streaming performers will now be held accountable for any content they show that is deemed inappropriate , and serious violators will be blacklisted nationwide , the Beijing Times reported .

  2. 网络女主播指的是在网上做视频直播的女孩儿或者年轻女性。

    Camgirl is a girl or young woman who broadcasts live pictures of herself over the web .

  3. 这些网络女主播遍布在业余网站,每天吸引数千点击量,很多已经从草根变为明星。

    These “ Camgirls ” rule the world of amateur Web sites , attracting thousands of hits daily . Some have become self-made celebrities .

  4. 自上周一起,新浪、百度、搜狐等20家国内网络直播平台实施网络主播实名认证,同时承诺不为18岁以下网络主播提供注册通道。

    Since last Monday , 20 Chinese live-streaming sites , including Sina , Baidu and Sohu , have implemented real-name registration for webcasting anchors and promised not to register Internet anchors under the age of 18 .

  5. 网络秀场直播平台要对网络主播和“打赏”用户实行实名制管理。

    According to the circular , online show and livestreaming platforms should implement real-name management for their hosts and users keen on rewarding hosts .

  6. 这20家网络直播平台签署的一项自律公约明确,进行视频直播的网络主播不得播出涉政、涉枪、涉毒、涉暴、涉黄内容,违规主播将列入黑名单。

    Network anchors who stream their videos live are prohibited from covering politics , guns , drug abuse , violence or pornography , with rule-breakers put on a blacklist , according to a self-discipline pact signed by the 20 live-streaming sites .