
  • 网络negative emotion;negative mood
  1. 答:当负面情绪出现时,记得自己就变得不可能了。

    Answer : When negative emotion appears , self-remembering becomes impossible .

  2. 高校图书馆流通馆员负面情绪的自我调节

    The Self-adjustment of Negative Emotion in the College Library of the Currency Librarian

  3. 读者也倾向于分享那些令人兴奋或有趣的文章,或者激起愤怒或焦虑等负面情绪的文章,而不会分享那些只让他们感到悲伤的文章。

    Readers also tended to share articles that were exciting or funny , or that inspired negative feelings like anger or anxiety , but not articles that left them merely sad .

  4. 17岁的陈璐佳(音译)是其中之一,她说:“我觉得自己的负面情绪可以转移到白菜上,遛着白菜走一圈再回家让我感觉好多了。”

    Lui Ja Chen , 17 , and one of the cabbage walking youths , said : " I feel I can transfer my negative thoughts about myself to the cabbage , go for a walk with it and come home feeling better about myself .

  5. 造成Qi负面情绪的原因很明显是和她在找工作过程中的困难有关。

    The cause of negative emotions for Qi was clearly related to her difficulty looking for a job .

  6. 关于MalibuEco的负面情绪已经积攒了好几个月了。

    The negative vibe has been building for months .

  7. 不要不顾一切地抱怨现状,体现出你的负面情绪,Coleman说。

    Avoid complaining about the situation or demonstrating a negative attitude at all cost , Coleman says .

  8. 《家庭心理学期刊》(JournalofFamilyPsychology)早些时候刊登的一项研究称,认为孩子的负面情绪出人意料、让人无所适从和令人沮丧的父母,往往会在孩子每次出现新的情绪爆发时产生更强烈的受威胁和挫败感。

    Parents who see a child 's negative emotions as unexpected , overwhelming and upsetting tend to feel more threatened and frustrated with each new outburst , says a study published earlier this month in the Journal of Family Psychology .

  9. 这是一个信心问题,银行业就建立在这种信心的基础之上,标准普尔(Standard&Poor's)银行业分析师斯特凡•贝斯特(StefanBest)表示。如果负面情绪不断累积,这可能会扩散至整个行业。

    This is a confidence issue – and banking is based on confidence , said Stefan Best , bank analyst at Standard & Poor 's. If negative sentiment builds up , this can spread to the whole sector .

  10. 领导该项研究的纽约石溪大学(StonyBrookUniversity)精神病学及行为学教授阿瑟•斯通(ArthurStone)说,在20岁左右到60岁左右的区间,随着年龄增长,受访者体会到的正面情绪比负面情绪逐步增多。

    Between about the ages of 20 and 60 , people experienced an increasingly greater ratio of positive to negative emotions , says Arthur Stone , a professor of psychiatry and behavioral science at Stony Brook University in New York , who led a study .

  11. 然而投资者的负面情绪,今年令日本股市基准日经平均指数(nikkei)受到尤为严重的打击,昨日该指数收盘微涨0.1%,今年迄今该指数已累积下跌近43%。

    But the benchmark Nikkei average has been particularly badly hit this year by negative investor sentiment , and while it edged up 0.1 per cent yesterday , it was down nearly 43 per cent for the year to date .

  12. 小说家凯西列特(KathyLette)在一篇专栏文章中总结了这种负面情绪,她写道:做女人的麻烦就在于,当你的脑袋撞到玻璃天花板时,同时却还要拿着吸尘器继续干活。

    To sum up the negative mood , the novelist Kathy Lette wrote a column saying the trouble with being a woman was that you banged your head on the glass ceiling while doing the Hoovering at the some time .

  13. 美国宾汉姆顿大学的JacobNota和MeredithColes就如此认为,他们发现睡眠时间短和睡觉时间晚的人相比于平时睡眠时间充足的人更容易被负面情绪影响。

    So say Jacob Nota and Meredith Coles of Binghamton University in the US , who found that people who sleep for shorter periods of time and go to bed very late at night are often overwhelmed with more negative thoughts than those who keep more regular sleeping hours .

  14. 海利•汤尼认为,首先,人们只能消化一定数量的负面情绪。

    For one , people can only stomach so much negativity .

  15. 一般来说,指数低于50点表明了房产市场的负面情绪。

    Rating below 50 generally suggest negative sentiment about housing market .

  16. 每当心中生起负面情绪,呼吸就开始加重。

    We start breathing harder whenever negativity comes into the mind .

  17. 于是我决定疏导负面情绪并开始画画。

    I decided to channel my negative feelings and start drawing .

  18. 这里涉及到某些负面情绪或者附属物吗?

    Are there any kinds of negative spirits or attachments involved here ?

  19. 负面情绪让你面对促销压力时会更加脆弱。

    Negative emotions will just make you more vulnerable to sales pressure .

  20. 为破坏了心情的抑郁和其他负面情绪祷告。

    Pray about depression or negative emotions that are spoiling the atmosphere .

  21. 一般来说,人只有为数不多的几个主要的负面情绪。

    Generally one has only a few principal negative emotions .

  22. 中国出现的负面情绪也令工业金属承压。

    Negative sentiment in China also weighed on industrial metals .

  23. 哥本哈根会议遗留下来的一些负面情绪,可能会妨碍这些计划的落实。

    The risk is that some bad-feeling from Copenhagen hampers those plans .

  24. 当政治独立派看到辩论赛时,他们会产生负面情绪。

    And political independents developed negative feelings while they watched the debate .

  25. 笑也是发泄负面情绪的健康方法。

    Laughter is also a healthy outlet for negative emotions .

  26. 伊斯塔斯说咒骂帮助她在安全的环境下释放负面情绪。

    Istace said swearing helped release hernegative emotions in a safe environment .

  27. 并列第二位的一个是负面情绪管理。

    Tying for the second spot is negative mood management .

  28. 我们都想将负面情绪驱离,

    We all want to push the negativity out of our life .

  29. 或是困惑,或是愤怒,或是被这一切负面情绪所淹没,

    or confused or angry or just plain overwhelmed by it all ,

  30. 回想一下,你是何时开始对工作产生负面情绪的。

    Try to recall when you started having negative feelings towards your job .