
  • 网络negative information
  1. FUD通常在暗地里制造各种负面信息,来影响某一事物在公众心中的诚信度,进而影响到公众的感受与决策。

    FUD is generally a strategic attempt to influence public perception by disseminating negative information designed to undermine the credibility of their beliefs .

  2. 关于产品和品牌的正面信息与负面信息同时出现在消费者面前。

    Positive information and negative information about products and brands appear in front of consumers .

  3. 我相信他的负面信息来自那些不了解SOA,不从事SOA,在某些情况下给SOA添乱的人。

    I believe that his bad information comes from people who don 't know SOA , don 't do SOA and in some cases , caused the mess that SOA cleans up .

  4. 那就是放在我们思想中的负面信息。

    Those are the negative messages we put in our mind .

  5. 尽全力避免社交媒体上有关自己的负面信息。

    At all costs , avoid these social media mistakes .

  6. 我宣誓透露所有负面信息,无论是豆腐渣工程,凶案,或是灵异事件…

    To disclose all illegal additions , shoddy construction , murders , and ghosts ...

  7. 关于负面信息报道的理论思考

    The Theoretic Thinking of Negative News Report

  8. 网站上满是有关香港上市公司的负面信息和分析。

    The site is filled with unflattering bits of information and analysis about Hong Kong-listed companies .

  9. 长期性的接收身体不可信任的负面信息使她产生深层忧虑。

    Constantly receiving the message that her body couldn 't be trusted led her into chronic anxiety .

  10. 负面信息传播与思想政治教育的关系如何确立?

    How to establish the relation of the communication of negative news information and ideological and political education ?

  11. 通过实验法探究了两种情况下负面信息比例对网络口碑效果的影响。

    By experiment explores both cases the proportion of negative word of mouth reputation for network effects impact .

  12. 相对于假新闻,负传播的危害更容易被忽视。它是一个社会人群在传播中由于正负面信息的失衡,对另一个人群的集体丑化和矮化。

    Negative communication is that one community people uglifies the others because of the unbalanced positive and negative information .

  13. 研究获得了三个方面的有价值的结果和结论:(1)口传行为视角的负面信息风险认知。

    Research acquired valuable conclusion in three aspects : ( 1 ) The risk perception of oral transmission behavior .

  14. 我们听过很多关于不同种族、性别、性偏好以及政治或宗教观点的负面信息。

    Weare told negative things about people of different races , genders , sexual preferences and political or religious views .

  15. 重点是新闻媒体倾向于向我们灌输负面信息。因为我们的大脑特别容易关注这些。

    The point is that the news media preferentially feeds us negative stories because that 's what our minds pay attention to .

  16. 网络给大学生带来的消极影响主要有负面信息冲击了传统道德观念,腐蚀了大学生的道德意志,引发道德失范现象等。

    The negative impact mainly includes the negative information impact on the traditional moral values , the moral corrosion and virtual personal dislocation .

  17. 实验表明,我们是有可能通过训练大脑多关注正面信息、少关注负面信息,最终改变自己的认知倾向的。

    It 's possible to change your cognitive bias by training the brain to focus more on the positive than on the negative .

  18. 事故:人们每天从电视接收有关袭击,汽车和飞机事故,自然灾害等等的大量负面信息。

    Accidents : A ton of negative information is received daily on TV about attacks , automobile and airplane crashes , natural disasters , etc.

  19. 警察在利用媒介获取信息充实、发展自己的同时,也不可避免地要受到各种负面信息的冲击。

    While they acquire knowledge through media to enrich and develop themselves , they are subject to the impact of the negative information inevitably .

  20. 面对传媒巨大负面信息影响的冲击,如何加强青少年媒介素养教育是摆在我们面前的现实问题。

    Facing the huge negative impact of media , how to strengthen the teenagers ' media literacy is a realistic problem in front of us .

  21. 在采集范围上,对于正面信息和负面信息应全面采集,并顾及到法律对个人隐私和企业商业秘密的保护。

    The negative and active credit information should be collected fully with some concern on the protection of individual privacy and the enterprises ' commercial secrets .

  22. 本文就负面信息报道的概念、分类、理论依据和实践、功能及如何开展负面信息报道做了尝试性的理论思考。

    This paper focuses on the concept , classification , theoretic basis , practical function of negative news report and attempting theoretical thinking on how to develop it .

  23. 负面信息情境下自我建构、自我概念联结与品牌原产地联结对消费者品牌态度的影响研究我国城乡居民信息消费的结构差异成长

    The Effect of Self-construal , Self-concept Connection , Brand Country-of Origin on Consumer Brand Attitude in Negative Information Context Research on Growth of Structure Difference of Information Consumption in China

  24. 研究人员将鼓励这些妇女换一种方式思考自己的处境,力求摒弃她们之前在医疗系统接受治疗期间吸收的负面信息。

    The staff will encourage the women to think anew about their circumstances in an attempt to purge any negative messages they have absorbed during their passage through in the medical system .

  25. 信息社会的加速到来和信息重要性的日益凸现,使人们更多地重视图书馆信息的开发与利用,而忽视了负面信息的过滤与控制。

    With the coming of information society , information becomes more and more important , many people pay more attention to the development and usage of library information , but ignore negative information filtering and control .

  26. 另一方面,在全球化的背景下,食品贸易在国际间流通,一旦出现食品安全的负面信息传播,必然影响到出口国的国家形象。

    On the other hand , the food trade circulation is internationally with the global background . Once the negative food safety information was disseminating , it would be certainly affect the images of exporting countries .

  27. 人民日报指责该游戏散布负面信息和负能量,“扰乱了玩家的生活”,特别是零零后,而在这款游戏的玩家中,零零后占了20%。

    The newspaper criticized the game for spreading negative messages and energy , " ruining the lives " of players , particularly young people born after 2000 , who account for 20 % of the players .

  28. 金融市场的一个主要特征就是资产收益序列在受到负面信息冲击下产生的非对称性,因而,在研究市场间收益波动时就要考虑信息冲击下非对称性的影响。

    One of the main features of financial market is the asymmetry produced by the asset sequence when negative information strike it . So when study the income fluctuation when considering the shock of information asymmetry .

  29. 产品属性重要程度与负面信息比例没有交互作用,但是以品牌态度、购买倾向为因变量时,负面信息比例的主效应显著。

    The importance of product attributes and negative information ratio of no interaction , but to attitude toward brand , purchase intention as the dependent variable , the main effect of negative word of mouth information proportion is significant .

  30. 这些暗含的细微差别不应被解读为负面信息,而是反映了城市在吸引投资、创造就业,甚至提高居民生活水平和质量方面令人难以置信的智慧和创造力。

    These implied nuances should not be interpreted as negatives , but instead reflect the incredible resourcefulness and creativity emanating from cities to attract investment , create jobs , and even improve the quality and standard of living for residents .