
  1. 英语语音自我概念受重要他人评价的影响。

    It is influenced by the assessment of significant others .

  2. 自我评价可以验证他人评价的有效性。

    Characters ' self-assessments can verify the validity of others ' evaluation .

  3. 学生自我评价是建立在参考他人评价的基础上的。

    Refer to others ' evaluation of self-evaluation is an important method of student self-evaluation .

  4. 儿童自我概念与重要他人评价的相关研究

    The Research on the Correlation between Children 's Self-concept and the Evaluations by Significant Others

  5. 但在认知度、关注度、尝试改变度、他人评价度上无显著改善。

    However , the cognitive awareness , attention , attempting to change , others ' evaluation were not significant . 2 .

  6. 像吴婷这样的患者害怕被他人评价并坚信这些评价会是消极难堪的。

    Sufferers like Wu fear putting themselves through an evaluation by others , convinced that such assessment will be negative and embarrassing .

  7. 恐惧是最大的障碍&对失败的恐惧,对他人评价的恐惧,对真正获得成功的恐惧。

    Fear is your biggest obstacle – fear of failure , fear of the judgment of others ; fear of actually succeeding .

  8. 具体方案是:针对对他人评价的担忧和自卑,用合理情绪疗法进行干预;

    The program includes applying intervention of using Rational-Emotive Therapy to the factor of worry about others ' evaluation and factor of inferiority ;

  9. 学生在集体中生活,他人评价是评估学生自我评价的重要参考,是学生自我评价的支架。

    Students living in the collective among others evaluate the students ' self-evaluation important reference and basis for student self-evaluation " bracket " .

  10. 研究表明,社会规范、家庭教养、他人评价、个性特点等因素影响着个人认知方式和归因风格的形成;

    Research shows that social norms , family upbringing , personality and judgment of oneself by others affect the development of one ′ s cognitive style and outlook .

  11. 教师要结合鼓励评价,自我评价和他人评价,这种评价更容易激发学生的主动性、积极性和创造性。

    Teachers need to encourage the combination of evaluation , self-assessment and assessment process ; this evaluation is more likely to arouse the students ' initiative , enthusiasm and creativity .

  12. 小组工作结束后,通过自我感受和他人评价对小组活动的效果进行评估。

    After the team work , the author does the assessment through self feelings and others ' evaluation on the effects of group and summarizes the difficulties in the group activities .

  13. 但传统的学生评价体系存在诸多不足,比如过分强调甄别与选拔功能、过于关注学业成绩、过分注重他人评价等,必须进行改革。

    However , the traditional student evaluation system has many deficiencies , such as emphasizing discrimination and selection , result of student 's studies and other 's evaluation excessively , and we must reform it .

  14. 自我价值感的形成机制是个体以理想自我为标准,以他人评价与态度为参照,对感知到的现实自我进行评价后形成的。

    The Forming mechanism of self-value of sense is take shape after individual appraising himself with ideal self-standard , conceiving appraising and attitude coming from others , appraising to the reality that is perceived oneself .

  15. 课程评价遵循新课程的精神,突出过程评价,突出自我评价和他人评价相结合,以改进教学,改善课程设计,最终有效地促进学生的发展。

    The evaluation fully suits the newly-reformed course , and emphasizes on the procedures , with the combination of self-assessment and others ' assessments in the hope of improving teaching and designing courses , and finally fulfilling the development of the students .

  16. 然而,传统的学生评价中过于重视甄别与选拔功能、过分强调学科知识、过分注重他人评价等弊端,已成为制约新课程实施的瓶颈,必须加以改革。

    However , the malpractice of traditional student assessment , such as emphasizing discrimination and selection , subject knowledge and other 's assessment excessively , has become the bottleneck of restricting the implement of new curriculum , and we must reform it .

  17. 自我提高理论认为我们在选择别人对我们的评价时,别人对我们的评价是越积极越好;而自我验证理论认为我们会更喜欢选择那些能验证我们原来自我概念的他人评价。

    According to self-enhancement theory when we select other people 's evaluations to us , the more positive evaluations is the better , but according to self-verification if the other people 's evaluations is more consistent with our own self-concept , it is the better .

  18. 从一个人对他人的评价,相比他人对这个人的评价,你可以把这个人看得更透彻。

    You can tell more about a person by what he says about others than you can by what others say about him .

  19. 用半开放问卷调查重庆地区大学生职业准备心理状态及其影响因素,结果表明:大学生在择业时,了解自己的主要方式有自我感觉、重要他人的评价等7类;

    This research investigates the psychological states of professional preparation of the university students in Chongqing and their contributing factors by open questionnaire .

  20. 男大学生冲突化解、自我评价、自我反馈、认知他人、评价他人五个指标上的得分均显著地高于女生;

    The scores of male students are significantly higher than female one in removing conflict , self-perceive , self-feedback , cognizing others and evaluating others .

  21. 在人类的日常生活中,他人的评价往往促进我们自身行为的调整。

    Generally speaking , the evaluation from others often help us understand of ourselves better and induce positive adjustment of our behavior in daily life .

  22. 就像所有的浪漫感情都是看脸或视他人的评价而生一样,研究人员所有的结论也都是基于大学生的视角产生的。

    As if romance is all about face and what other people think . But of course , the researchers based their conclusion on perceptions of college students .

  23. 害羞是一种人格特质,是指在与权威、异性相处以及团体人际情境下对自己的过度关注和对他人的评价的担忧引发的不自在的情感和行为倾向。

    Shyness is a personality trait , which means an excessive self-focus and afraid of others ' evaluation will cause unease emotion and behavior tendencies in interpersonal situations .

  24. 这时,青少年儿童非常在乎来自他人的评价,一些可能的负性评价更容易使得其陷入苦恼、烦闷中。

    At this time , the teenage are very care about the evaluation from others . Some negative evaluations are more easily to make the teenage feel upset and annoyed .

  25. 一方面,在看到他人的评价时,人们会下意识地寻找支持自己选择的评价。

    In the short interval condition , people first compared two pictures on their own and they were then immediately asked to make another choice with available information about others'preferences .

  26. 今天你对他人如何评价你的工作方式感兴趣,但是如果他们光说不做,不给你实际的帮助,你很快就厌烦了。

    You are interested in what others have to say about your work style today , but you can quickly get bored if they aren 't also willing to support their opinions with practical assistance .

  27. 研究表明,学生对于优良的道德品质的自我评价一般都高于他人对他的评价;

    The result shows that self evaluation generally tended to overestimate the strong points when compared with the appraisals made by others .

  28. 中学生对自己和他人的创造性评价是以其创造性内隐理论为基础的,并且自评和他评是一致的。

    High school students ' self-evaluate and other-evaluate are based on the creative implicit theory ; furthermore , self-evaluate and other-evaluate are consistent .

  29. 奖赏结构与结果效价对儿童自我&他人成就归因与评价的影响

    Competitive Reward Structure and Valence of Outcome on Children 's Achievement Attributions

  30. 多一点相信自己,少一点将他人成就作为自我评价的标准尺度。

    To believe in yourself more and judge yourself less by the accomplishments of others .