
  1. QS主要比较亚洲大学在9个方面的指标,包括学术声誉、师生比例、每篇论文他引次数、每位教师论文发表量等

    QS compares universities Asia on nine key performance indicators such as academic reputation , faculty / student ratio , citations per paper and papers per faculty .

  2. 他的妻子是个通情达理的人,为此他引以为豪。

    He is proud that his wife is amenable to reason .

  3. 我们只需要把他引到窗口。

    What we need is to lure him near a window .

  4. 他引观众到他们的座位上。

    He conducted the members of the audience to their seats .

  5. 所以我利用她把他引到沙漠。

    So I use her to lure him out into the desert .

  6. 怎么把他引出去?

    What do you mean we gotta draw him out ?

  7. 大城市的诱惑很快把他引上邪路

    The attraction of the big city soon lead him astray

  8. 这把他引出来了,比我所期望的还来得快些。

    It drew him forth sooner than I expected .

  9. 要做这些是把他引过来?

    All this bullshit for to bring him here ?

  10. 她把他引上了放荡的堕落道路。

    She has led him down the primrose path .

  11. 但是我觉得是我们把他引上了这条路。

    But I feel it is we who have led him down this path .

  12. 包括他的酷爱,他的出众之处,他的兴趣爱好,或是他引以为豪的成就。

    What are his / her passions , qualities , interests and proudest achievements ?

  13. 他引了莎士比亚的几行诗。

    He quoted a few lines from shakespeare .

  14. 期刊自引率为3.94%,他引率为96.06%。

    The self-citing rate is 9.85 % .

  15. 我曾是他引以为傲的战士

    I was his proud soldier .

  16. 我们会把他引走,然后贾斯帕和爱丽丝带着她往南走。

    We 'll lead him off , and then Jasper and Alice will run her south .

  17. 不消多久,他引著一个小孩子来到耶稣跟前,那小孩带了少量食物。

    He came back in a few moments with a boy who had a small package of food .

  18. 斯蒂文用了2年时间,耗资25000美元打造了这辆他引以为豪的香蕉车。

    Steve Braithwaite is proud of his car which spent two years to make and cost $ 25000 .

  19. 重点分析了影响学术论文他引频次的十个主要因素,并在此基础上探讨了他引频次的学术意义。

    Consequently , the frequency of citation just reflects the academic influence and value of academic thesis in certain degree .

  20. 旁白:歌声把他引到一座葡萄园,在那,他发现一个小伙子,在修剪着一个葡萄藤。

    Aside : The song led him into a vineyard , where he found a young man singing and pruning the vines .

  21. 他引了弥尔顿的几行诗。她引述济慈(诗中的)词句。

    He quoted a few lines of Milton . She cited ( a verse from ) ( a poem by ) Keats .

  22. 自引率和他引率较为合适,但有些刊物自引率偏高。

    The rate of cited by self and by others is relatively proper , though some of journals show higher at this index .

  23. 他引率高、自引率低,说明该刊办刊严谨、求实,各项计量指标真实可靠。

    The higher rate of citation by others and lower self-cited rate indicate that the Journal has been rigorous and realistic in editorial practice .

  24. 他引人的发人深思的作品描绘了北京城市图景的变迁,其中的很多作品都成为了这个重要时代中变化的象征。

    His engaging and thought-provoking documentations of the transformation of Beijing 's cityscape have , for many , become emblematic of these dynamic times .

  25. 拜兹憎恶那些借书的人们,他引以自夸的是每年把一半以上的图书预算返还给了学院董事们。

    Betts resented people who borrowed books and he boasted about returning more than one half of his annual book budget to the trustees .

  26. 美国宇航局局长吉姆·布里登斯廷先前证实了克鲁斯计划到太空推进他引人瞩目的演艺事业的新闻。

    NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine previously confirmed the news that the star was angling to go into space to further his impressive acting career .

  27. 麦凯恩今年一月在新罕普什尔州初选中的胜利把他引上赢得共和党总统候选人提名的道路。

    McCain 's victory in this year 's New Hampshire primary in January put him on course to win the Republican Party 's presidential nomination .

  28. 向我们报告的人的声音把他引到书房来;他进来了,作个手势,叫他出去,关上了门。

    The sound of our informant 's voice directed him to the library : he entered , and motioning him out , shut the door .

  29. 被评价期刊的他引率接近或超过80%的有6种。结论:我国医学影像专业期刊在规模数量、类别结构、质量效益及对外影响方面都有很大的提高。

    Conclusion : The medical imaging journal has been had a great improvement both in scale amount , classified structure , quality benefit and external influence aspects .

  30. 期刊被引计量指标,包括总被引频次、影响因子、即年指标、他引率和被引半衰期等5项计量指标。

    Cited bibliometric indexes of periodicals include five metric indexes , namely , total citations , impact factor , immediacy index , citation rate and cited half-life .