
  • 网络terah;Tarah
  1. 他却带了父亲他拉和侄儿罗得一同上路。

    But he took Terah , his father , and his nephew Lot with him .

  2. 他拉住她的胳膊制止她。

    He placed a restraining hand on her arm .

  3. 我最终用滑轮组把他拉了上去。

    I finally hoisted him up with a block and tackle .

  4. 他拉了把椅子到床边坐了下来。

    He drew a chair up to the bedside and sat down .

  5. 他拉上厚厚的窗帘,仅留下一条狭窄的缝隙。

    He pulled the thick curtains together , leaving just a narrow gap .

  6. 他拉了把椅子坐下。

    He drew up a chair and sat down .

  7. 他拉黄包车,这可能是人类最古老的载客服务形式了。

    He pulls a rickshaw , probably the oldest form of human taxi service .

  8. 他拉过一把椅子坐在她后面,将下巴抵在她的肩膀上。

    He pulled up a chair behind her and put his chin on her shoulder .

  9. 他拉上牛仔裤的拉链。

    He zipped up his jeans

  10. 他拉关系、找门子以便找到一份报酬好的工作。

    He exploits the connection to get a well-paid job .

  11. 他们不得不把绳子套在那人身上,把他拉上悬崖。

    They had to fasten a rope round the man and hauled him up the cliff .

  12. 不久,他拉着劳里的头发爬了起来。

    Soon he came back up , pulling Laurie by the hair .

  13. 大男孩咬住吉米的手,想把他拉到一楼。

    Big Boy took Jimmy 's hand in his mouth and tried to pull him down to the first floor .

  14. 阿姆兰:嗯,有一天,我们的国王和他的皇宫里的一些人骑马去附近的一个城市。国王比我们其他人骑得都快。突然他拉着马停了下来。他低头看着路上的沙子。王后:继续。

    Amram : Well , one day our king and some men of his palace were riding on horseback to a nearby city . The king was riding ahead of the rest of us . All at once he pulled his horse to stop . He looked down at the sand in the road . Queen : Go on .

  15. 于是他拉着我的手。

    And he took me by the hand .

  16. 他拉了几下问:“我怎么听不到铃响呀?”

    He pulled it several times , then remarked , " I don 't hear it ringing . "

  17. 我对tom的价值观接受无能,所以我把他拉黑了。-

    I couldn 't handle tom 's spiritual values so I unfriended her on Facebook . -

  18. 中、低渗透性砂岩储集层综合分类评价方法研究以松辽盆地他拉哈北区姚家组扇三角洲砂岩为例

    Method in the study on synthetical classified evaluating mid-low-permeable sandstone reservoirs

  19. 他拉我的衣服,我跟他说不要这样。

    He grabbed my shirt and I told him to stop .

  20. 从他拉起行,安营在密加。

    And they removed from Tarah , and pitched in Mithcah .

  21. G.H.攥住格斯的一只胳膊,把他拉到一旁。

    G. H. caught Gus 's arm and led him aside .

  22. 他拉过一把椅子放在客人背后。

    He dragged a chair and put it behind the guest .

  23. 他拉提琴,我吹喇叭。

    He plays the violin , but I play the trumpet .

  24. 你的朋友劳里,在最后关头才把他拉出来。

    Your friend Rory pulled him back at the last second .

  25. 他拉住皮诺奇的手,然后摇了他一下。

    He took Pinocchio in his hands , and shook him .

  26. 他拉着她的手带者她来到码头。

    He took her hand and led her to the pier .

  27. 而我呢,我的《哈费他拉》一个字也看不懂。

    And I don 't understand a word of my haftorah .

  28. 他拉了拉门,门是锁着的。

    He tried the door and the door was locked .

  29. 他拉过一片大布幔,把整个房间分成两半。

    He pulls a great curtain which drew quite across the room .

  30. 他拉着车一直奔了人和厂去。

    Xiangzi ran his rickshaw straight back to harmony yard .