
  1. 方法:1998年11月~1999年9月对17例绝经后晚期和复发性乳腺癌患者给予兰他隆250mg肌肉注射,每2周1次,至少2个月。

    Methods : Intramuscular injection of 250 mg lentaron was given in 17 patients with advanced and recurrent breast cancer every 2 weeks between November 1998 and September 1999.The effects were assessed after at least 2 months .

  2. 兰他隆治疗绝经后晚期和复发性乳腺癌患者的疗效观察

    Lentaron for Postmenopausal Women with Advanced and Recurrent Breast Cancer

  3. 在过去的十八年里,他隆鼻、抽脂、美白、注射填充剂,还动过下巴。

    He has had nose jobs , liposuction , skin-whitening , fillers and jaw work over 18 years .

  4. 隆多签约安踏后一年,金州勇士神射手克莱·汤普森也接到了安踏的合约,汤普森的经纪人当时建议他联系隆多,听取些经验、反馈。

    When Golden State Warriors sharpshooter Klay Thompson received an offer from Anta the following summer , his agent at the time suggested he reach out to Rondo for feedback .

  5. 作为一位技艺非凡的大师,他声誉日隆。

    He was gaining a reputation as a remarkable virtuoso .

  6. 当兰迪波许(RandyPausch)教授为了度蜜月而休假一个月时,他在卡内基梅隆大学(CarnegieMellonUniversity)的老板坚持要能联系上他。

    When Professor Randy Pausch took a month off work for his honeymoon , his boss at Carnegie Mellon University insisted that he be reachable .

  7. 让那个人以为他是阿文斯隆。

    To make that man believe he 's Arvin sloane .

  8. 他没有告诉索隆关于佛罗多和魔戒的任何事。

    He told Sauron nothing of Frodo and the ring .

  9. 他来到阿市刻隆时,城里的居民都热烈地欢迎他。

    When he arrived at Ashkalon , the citizens welcomed him with pomp .

  10. 全世界都认为他是阿文斯隆。

    The world knows his face as Arvin sloane .