
  • 网络base
  1. 目的探讨重症监护室(ICU)实训基地培训方法。

    Objective To investigate the training methods in the ICU training base .

  2. 我们可借鉴加拿大CBE模式中的DACUM方法,组成专业指导委员会参加本专业的教学改革,同时改革旧的课程体系、完善实训基地、培养合格的专业人才。

    We may use the DACUM of CBE mode of Canada for reference , build up the speciality direction committee to attend the reform of our teaching . We may reform the old subject system , perfecting our practising base and train the qualified personal .

  3. 青岛市职业教育现代制造业公共实训基地设计

    Design of vocational education modern manufacture public practice in Qingdao city

  4. 高职教育实习实训基地的建设与设想

    The Construction and Thought of Practical Training Base of Higher Education

  5. 评估促进了农科实训基地建设

    The Promotion for the Building of Agricultural Exercitation Base Through Evaluation

  6. 论实训基地建设与高等职业教育的关系

    On the Relationship between Training Base Establishment & Higher Vocational Education

  7. 湖北职院实训基地建设的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Training Base Construction in Hubei Polytechnic Institute

  8. 高职校内实训基地建设的实践与探索

    Practice and Exploration on Higher Vocational Education Training Base in College

  9. 医药化工实训基地的建设与运行模式研究

    On the Construction and Operating Mode of Medication Chemistry Training Base

  10. 生产性物流实训基地建设实践的探索

    Exploring the Practice of the Construction of Productive Logistics Training Base

  11. 江西电网调度实训基地建设规划研究

    Research on dispatch training base construction scheme for Jiangxi Power Grid

  12. 广西高职院校内实训基地的建设与管理

    Construction and Management of School Training Base for Guangxi Vocational Colleges

  13. 略论高等职业教育实训基地管理模式

    Research on Management of Industrial Training Base in Higher Vocational Education

  14. 流通现代化实训基地建设探索

    Exploration of the Practical Training Base Construction for the Modern Circulation

  15. 校内生产性实训基地的校企共建研究

    Research on the Practical Training Base Co-constructed by College and Enterprise

  16. 高职院校校外实训基地有效利用的探讨

    Discussion on Effective Use of Vocational College Training Bases outside Campus

  17. 旅游院校实训基地建设研究

    On the Construction of Practice Bases in Tourism Colleges and Universities

  18. 建立实训基地提高实训质量

    On Construction of Training Bases and Improvement of Practice Quality

  19. 高职院校建设校内生产性实训基地的思考

    On Building Intramural Productive Training Base in Higher Vocational Colleges

  20. 福建省高职旅游类专业实训基地建设研究

    Construction of Training Bases for HVE Tourism Major in Fujian

  21. 开放式实训基地预约管理系统设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Booking Openning Practice Basement Manage System

  22. 高职院校实训基地的建设与管理

    Discuss on the Construction of Training Program Based on Higher Vocational Schools

  23. 建设类职业院校实训基地建设的研究

    Research on the Construction of Practical Training Base in Construction Vocational Colleges

  24. 制度视角下高职高专院校校外实训基地建设

    Establishment of Fieldwork Bases outside Vocational Colleges from the Perspective of System

  25. 数控实训基地建设及实训模式的探索与实践

    Construction of Numerical Control Practicing Basis and Exploration of the Practicing Model

  26. 基于专业群理念的校内实训基地建设研究

    A Study of Construction of In-School Training Base Based on Majors-Group Concept

  27. 数控实训基地建设的探讨

    Study of Building the Base of CNC Machining Technology for Training Operations

  28. 重症监护室实训基地培训方法探讨

    Investigation of the training methods in the ICU training base

  29. 共享型实训基地建设之我见

    My view on the construction of shared practice training base

  30. 具有教学培训和科研功能的模拟变电所实训基地

    An Experimental Base of Simulation Substation for Teaching , Training and Researching