
  • p-book
  1. 更令人惊讶的是,购买实体书最多的是年轻人。

    More surprisingly , it 's young people who are buying the most physical books .

  2. StoryCoach随后会把这些故事转变成电子或实体书。

    Story coach then turns the yarn into an electronic or physical book .

  3. 截至到目前,StoryCoach总共已经制作了30本书,计划以每本电子书5美元以及每本实体书20美元的价格出售。

    The company has made about 30 books to date , and plans to sell them for $ 5 per e-book and $ 20 per hardcover .

  4. 帕里什列举了来自CodexForrester和高德纳咨询(GartnerResearch)的数据作为佐证:在某种程度上,30%的读者同时购买了电子书和实体书。

    As evidence , he pointed to numbers from Codex Forrester and Gartner research : 30 % of all readers consume both ebooks and print books to some degree .

  5. 协议达成当天Barnes&Noble股价上涨50%,这表明投资者对这个实体书过时行业的看法。

    The bookseller 's share price rose by 50 % on the day of the deal - which tells you what investors think of the dead-tree end of the trade .

  6. 它与少数其它英国独立出版商共同证明,在这个iPad和Kindle横行的时代,人们仍然能够通过往往较为昂贵的实体书赚钱。

    Along with a handful of other independent UK publishers , it shows that in an era of iPads and Kindles , there is still money to be made from physical , and often quite expensive , books .

  7. 据哈利•波特系列的美国出版商ScholasticCorp.说,哈利•波特系列在全球销售了逾4.50亿本实体书。该公司目前正在出版该系列图书带全新封面插图的新版平装本。

    The Harry Potter series has sold more than 450 million physical copies world-wide , according to Scholastic Corp. , which publishes the books in the U.S. Scholastic is in the process of issuing new fancy paperbacks with new cover illustrations .

  8. 但是它全部放在网络上,没有出版成实体书。

    But it 's totally on the Internet , there 's no paper publication .

  9. 难以预料的实体书借阅经济

    The uncertain economics of lending virtual books

  10. 与此同时,在出版商忙于应对实体书需求不断下滑之际,他们将失去最大的客户之一。

    Publishers , meantime , are losing one of their biggest customers as they struggle with declining demand for physical books .

  11. 盖茨说,自己每年都要读大约50本书,他不用数字阅读工具,还是选择老式的实体书。

    Mr. Gates says he reads about 50 books in a year , eschewing digital readers for old-fashioned books on paper .

  12. 很多人买实体书也是为了送礼,毕竟6岁大的孩子大多并不喜欢亚马逊礼品卡。

    Many print books are also bought as gifts , since the delights of an Amazon gift card are lost on most 6-year-olds .

  13. 这不是凭空猜测,一个重要的理由是,电子书在与实体书的大战中未能像预料的那样很快轻松致胜。

    One big reason for the lack of fireworks is that the triumph of e-books over their physical brethren is not happening quite as fast as forecast .

  14. 电子书的兴起也许正在威胁实体书,但后者依然保有一个特别的读者群,即少年儿童。

    Print books may be under siege from the rise of e-books . but they have a tenacious hold on a particular group : children and toddlers .

  15. 他们坦诚采用了双重标准,希望自己的孩子生活在实体书的包围下,让子女在学习各种形状、颜色和动物的同时有实实在在翻书阅读的体验。

    They freely acknowledge their digital double standard , saying they want their children to be surrounded by print books . to experience turning physical pages as they learn about shapes , colors and animals .

  16. 一旦找到数据,它会找到书评,或者,可能纽约时报有个有声的简介,你就可以,在实体书上,听到有声的书评。

    Once it has that information , it finds out more reviews about that , or maybe New York Times has a sound overview on that , so you can actually hear , on a physical book , a review as sound .

  17. 家长表示更喜欢抱着孩子一起看实体书,因为高科技设备可能会分散孩子的注意力,而且如果沾到小宝宝的口水,纸质书也比平板电脑好清理。

    Parents also say they - like cuddling up with their child and a book , and fear that a shiny gadget might get all the attention . Also , if little Joey is going to spit up , a book may be easier to clean than a tablet computer .

  18. 通过两个试验小组的对比,研究人员发现,与阅读“实体”书上一大段独白的受试组相比,另一组即使仅看一则简单的广告也觉得时间过得更快。

    Even just reading a simple advertisement , subjects perceived time as passing more quickly , than compared to the other group that a long monologue from a ' real " book .

  19. 各实体应将投标书视为机密。

    Entities shall treat tenders in confidence .