
  • 网络Reading Time;read time
  1. 图一显示了不同于调查的阅读时间。

    Chart Ⅰ shows different reading time from a survey .

  2. 没有pause命令,就算有充足的阅读时间,出错信息也不会显示出来。

    Without the pause command , the error message is not displayed with sufficient reading time .

  3. 但每个小节的阅读时间已经减少了,从每节1小时左右或以上减少到了半小时左右。

    But the amount of time spent in reading each session has declined , from closer to an hour or more to closer to a half hour per session .

  4. 实验一采用ANOVA对三种条件下目标句的阅读时间进行统计分析,结果表明,当前信息必须与先前的协调性信息有局部的不一致或不吻合是引发协调性整合的充分必要条件;

    The reading time of target sentences was analyzed with ANOVA in experiment 1 , the results showed that partial inconsistence is enough and necessary condition in coordinating integration .

  5. 该算法兼顾了会话过程中的信令连接重建概率、信令连接占用效率以及信令负荷三方面因素,网页下载时间和阅读时间的预测采用了具有重尾特性的Pareto模型。

    The algorithm considers the factors of signaling connection reestablishment ratio , signaling connection occupation efficiency and total signaling overload during the session . Pareto model , which exhibits a heavy-tailed characteristic , is adopted in the prediction of page download time and reading time .

  6. 那些沙发和椅子变成聊天和阅读时间的好伙伴。

    Then arrange your couches and chairs for conversation and reading .

  7. 匆忙与耽溺&现代性阅读时间悖论

    Fast Reading and Its Indulgence : A Paradox in Modern Reading-time

  8. 汉字词的正字法深度与阅读时间的研究

    A study on orthographic depth of Chinese words and reading time

  9. 小说时间由生活时间、事时间、故事时间和阅读时间四元素构成。

    The novel-time is formed of four-elements of life-time narrate-time story-time , read-time .

  10. 你要学会控制阅读时间。

    You have to learn to control reading .

  11. 长度以阅读时间不超过一分钟为宜。

    More about that in a minute .

  12. 为什么不充分利用阅读时间,读那些精华中的精华呢?

    Why not make the most of your reading time by finding the best of the best ?

  13. 这项练习需要一篇阅读时间为5分钟的短文,老师要在课堂上给学生大声朗读。

    THIS exercise requires a short text that you can read out loud to the class in about five minutes .

  14. 家长要为孩子做个好榜样:在家里每天都要有阅读时间,即使仅仅是读杂志或看报纸。

    Set a good example as a reader & read every day at home even if it is a magazine or newspaper .

  15. 这项技术所依据的假定是,我们的很大一部分阅读时间都浪费在目光的前后移动上面。

    The technology is based on the premise that a lot of reading time is wasted by moving our eyes back and forth .

  16. 要使用这个创意机器,你只需选择你想要的阅读时间:1分钟、3分钟还是5分钟。

    To use the innovative inventions , simply choose your desired reading time : 1 minute , 3 minutes , or 5 minutes .

  17. 尽管上述争论仍没完没了,但新一波科技进步意味着孩子们越来越难预留出阅读时间。

    While that debate rumbles on , a wave of technological change means that children may find it harder to reserve time for reading .

  18. 结果表明,冲突限制条件下和一致条件下对目标句的阅读时间有显著差异,支持基于记忆的课文加工观的观点。

    The result showed that there was reliable difference in reading times between qualified and consistent condition , which supported the memory-based text processing view .

  19. 在被问及每周平均的阅读时间时,多数学生认为自己的阅读时间为一小时。

    According to the results of the investigation , most students think their average time on out-of-class extensive reading is about one hour a week .

  20. 内部动机、自我效能与社会性动机可以诱发与维持较长的阅读时间。

    The positive relationship still exits on the motivation and reading amount , which is dependent on the intrinsic and social motivations , self efficacy .

  21. 在阅读时间方面,大多数“80后”受访者表示,他们会在上床睡觉之前阅读,而约四成受访者表示会在通勤时段进行阅读。

    In terms of the reading time , most of the 80s respondents said they read before going to bed , while about 40 percent read during their commute .

  22. 因变量是阅读时间3预备实验及实验结果1.学习者的母语水平与其外语学习效能呈正相关;

    The Research Hypotheses The research hypotheses are as follows : 1 . Learner 's L1 proficiency will be positively correlated with his / her foreign language learning achievements ;

  23. 指出图书馆要多管齐下,通过自己有效的管理并采取有效的措施为读者节约有限的阅读时间。

    This paper points out that the library should use so many ways to save the limited reading time of readers through its effective management and adopting some effective measures .

  24. 如果您能好心考虑我的建议,我将非常感谢。首先,是否可以请您延长阅读时间?

    To begin with , will you please prolong the time for reading In the daytime , most of the students are having class , so they can 't come to the library .

  25. 报纸的海量信息相对于受众阅读时间由于生活节奏的加快而越来越少,这是一个不可回避的问题。

    It is a problem have to be faced that the newspapers ' message is more and more in number with the time used in reading papers is less and less for the rapid pace of life .

  26. 与高中学生相比,中职生拥有非常充裕的课外阅读时间,同时为学业和今后的工作着想,他们也应该把课外阅读放在十分重要的位置。

    Compared with high school students , Secondary Vocational School Students have plenty of time for reading , furthermore , for the sake of study and future career , they should place prime emphasis on after-class reading .

  27. 客观因素是学校图书馆建设落后和书的价格太贵等,而阅读时间并不是主要因素。

    The subject cause which restricts teachers'reading is the low reading subjective activity , the objective cause is the backward school library building and expensive book price , and thus reading time is not the main cause .

  28. 任国务卿时,我在旅行期间要读大量关于目的地的政治、经济和文化信息的简报,它们占据了我大部分的阅读时间。

    When I traveled as secretary of state , I was deluged with thick briefing books full of information about the politics , economy and culture of each destination , so those took up most of my reading time .

  29. 建立每天15至30分钟的家庭阅读时间,一家人一起阅读,看到家长[微博]阅读会激发孩子阅读,只需每天15分钟的练习足以令你的孩子读书流畅。

    Establish a daily 15 to 30 minute time when everyone in the family reads together silently . Seeing you read will inspire your children to read . Just 15 minutes of daily practice is sufficient to increase their reading fluency .

  30. 其次分析了西部农村地区小学生在课外读物方面存在的问题:公益性来源存在的问题;商业渠道来源存在的问题;内容方面存在的问题以及课外阅读时间少。

    Second , it analyzes the problems in reading materials of primary and secondary school students in western rural areas : the problems of public welfare sources ; the problems of commercial channels sources ; problems of content and little extra-curricular reading time .