
yuè dú zhànɡ ài
  • Dyslexia;alexia
  1. PASS认知历程模式及其在阅读障碍儿童中的运用

    PASS Model and Applications to Children with Reading Disability

  2. 阅读障碍的DNA线索

    A DNA Clue to Reading Troubles

  3. 相比于只表现出某一类学习困难的儿童,阅读障碍和ADD共病的儿童(以下简称共病儿童)在学习和注意问题上表现得更为严重。

    Compared to the children with one learning difficulties , the comorbidity children have more serious problems in learning and attention .

  4. 1.dyslexian.阅读障碍诵读困难和羞怯具有很大的先天性。

    Dyslexia and shyness both have a large innate component ;

  5. 方法:采用on-line的实验方法,比较小学三年级阅读障碍儿童和正常儿童对简单材料和复杂材料的视觉短时和工作记忆能力。

    Methods : Use the on-line experimental design ( simple and complicated figures ) to compare the difference between RD and normal children in visual short-term and working memory ability .

  6. 还有一部分人受到阅读障碍的困扰(理查德·布兰森和查尔斯·施瓦布(CharlesSchwab,译者注:嘉信理财的创始人)就是典型的例子)。

    A disproportionate number suffer from dyslexia ( Richard Branson and Charles Schwab are prominent examples ) .

  7. 汉字朗读:A、B、C、D通道上,阅读障碍组血氧含量高于对照组,但差异不明显(P>0.05);

    When reading aloud , the contents of blood oxygenation on channel A , B , C and D were all unobviously higher in the dyslexia group than in the control group ( P > 0.05 ) .

  8. 目的检验《儿童汉语阅读障碍量表》(DCCC,DyslexiaChecklistforChineseChildren)的信度与效度,为临床科研工作者诊断儿童阅读障碍提供有利工具。

    Objective To examine the reliability and validity of Dyslexia Checklist for Chinese Children ( DCCC ), and to provide instrument for clinical diagnosis .

  9. 英语阅读障碍与正常儿童在Stroop任务上的差异

    Difference of Stroop task between Chinese children with English reading disorder and normal children

  10. 像e.g.,i.e.和etc.虽然很常见,但是确实给一些人造成了阅读障碍。对那些英语非母语的人来说,他们可能对这些缩略词并不熟悉。

    Terms like eg , i.e. and etc. , while common , make reading difficult for some . Anyone who didn 't grow up speaking English may not be familiar with them .

  11. 目的编制一套适合中国学龄儿童使用的《儿童汉语阅读障碍量表》(DCCC,DyslexiaChecklistforChineseChildren),以便为城市学生制定一个科学、有效的汉语阅读障碍诊断工具。

    Objective To establish the dyslexia checklist for Chinese children ( DCCC ), so as to provide a scientific and efficient diagnosis instrument for urban students with Chinese dyslexia .

  12. 前摄抑制对儿童注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)和阅读障碍的言语工作记忆的影响

    The Influence of Proactive Interference on the Verbal Working Memory of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( ADHD ) and Reading Disability ( RD ) Children

  13. 在阅读障碍的诊断领域,基于IQ的差异诊断模式是目前最主要的诊断方法,但各国的许多研究者对此提出了越来越多的异议。

    In all methods of diagnosing reading disabilities , IQ-based Discrepancy Model is most frequently used . But many researchers from different countries begin to question this model .

  14. 大脑中DHA的低水平与记忆丧失、情绪波动有关,如阅读障碍、注意力缺陷、多动障碍和孤独症。

    Low levels of DHA in the brain have been linked with memory loss , mood swings and conditions such as dyslexia , attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism .

  15. 据估计,多达6%的人患有一种名叫发展性计算障碍(developmentaldyscalculia)的数学学习缺陷。它跟阅读障碍(dyslexia)相似,只不过有问题的是数字而不是文字。

    Up to 6 % of the population is estimated to have a math-learning disability called developmental dyscalculia , similar to dyslexia but with numerals instead of letters .

  16. 方法:采用改良的Stroop实验,观察北京市3所普通中学34例英语阅读障碍儿童(障碍组)和34名无英语阅读障碍儿童(对照组)Stroop试验过程中的差异性。

    English reading disorder ( disorder group ) and 34 without English reading disorder ( control group ) coming from three common middle schools in Beijing were observed .

  17. 目的:探讨汉语阅读障碍(Chinesereadingdisorder,CRD)儿童的认知能力特点,观察汉语阅读障碍儿童局部脑影像学变化。

    AIM : To explore the features of cognitive ability in children with Chinese reading disorder ( CRD ), and observe the changes of their local brain image .

  18. Zatorre的研究小组正在寻找音乐聋和阅读障碍之间的平行关系。

    Zatorre 's team is finding parallels between tone-deafness and the reading disability dyslexia .

  19. 目的探讨儿童汉语阅读障碍(RD)的脑血流改变与阅读技能诊断测试(CRSDT)评分的关系。

    Objective To investigate changes of cerebral blood flow ( CBF ) and its association with Chinese reading skill diagnostic test ( CRSDT ) in childhood reading disorder ( RD ) .

  20. 儿童阅读障碍神经科学研究对早期教育的启示

    Enlightenment of Neuroscience Research on Children 's Dyslexia to Early Education

  21. 发展性阅读障碍是儿童中最常见的学习障碍。

    Developmental dyslexia is one of the most common childhood disorders .

  22. 汉语阅读障碍儿童感觉统合能力评定研究

    Study on Sensory Integrative Abilities in Chinese Children with Reading Disorder

  23. 发展性阅读障碍学生的视觉认知能力研究

    The Research on Visual Cognitive Ability of Students with Developmental Dyslexia

  24. 基于脑的阅读障碍的诊断:阅读障碍诊断的新视角

    Brain-based Diagnosis : A New Angle for Diagnosis of Reading Disability

  25. 误解11:阅读障碍与视力问题有关。


  26. 阅读障碍儿童神经发育异常与临床评定方法的初步研究

    The clinical assessment for neural developmental anomalies in children with reading disorder

  27. 结果:汉语发展性阅读障碍的筛出率为6.7%;

    Results : The prevalence rate of developmental dyslexia is 6.7 % .

  28. 阅读障碍儿童视觉记忆研究

    Vision Comparative Study of Visual Memory of Reading Disabled and Normal Children

  29. 配对联想学习缺陷&探索阅读障碍的新视角

    Paired Association Learning Deficit : A New Perspective for Developmental Dyslexia Research

  30. 汉语阅读障碍儿童在本顿视觉保持测验中的反应特征

    Characteristics of children with specific reading disorder in Benton visual retention test