- 网络digitization of ancient books

This paper probes into some basic theoretic problems , such as what is the digitization of ancient books , what kind of ancient book is suitable to be digitized , who is suitable to realize the digitization of ancient books , and how to digitize the ancient books .
Establishment and significance of digitization of ancient books in Jiangsu Province
Image Acquisition Methods Research in Digital Minorities ' Ancient Books Based on TWAIN
Based on the protection technology development of digital minorities ' ancient books , the methods of secondary development for scanner at present is analysed and discussed the virtues and defects of scanner secondary programming with TWAIN interface and the basic function can be effected .
Study on Treatment Work before Digitalization of Ancient Books in Libraries
Study on Construction of Ancient Books Digitizes Resources in Local Libraries
Obstacles of Digitalization of Ancient Works and the Solving Plan
Construction on Ancient Books Digitization in Research Institutions of China
The Progress of and Prospects for the Digitalization of Chinese Ancient Books
The Achievement and Challenge of The Digitized Chinese Ancient Books
Achievements and Prospects of Chinese Ancient Books ' Digitalization
Talking about the Ancient Book Digitization of Academic Library Briefly in Network Environment
The Establishment of Coordinating Mechanism for Digitizing Ancient Books
Comprehensive Utilization of Digitalized Resources of Ancient Books
The Choice of Chinese Character Code for the Digitalization of the Massive Ancient Books
A Summary of Studies on the Digitalization of Chinese Ancient Books during 2001 and 2005
On digitizing the ethnic ancient books
People may say that this knowledge base construction is a large-scale agricultural ancient book digitization beneficial attempt .
Analysis and Enlightenment about the Present Situation of Digitization of Chinese Rare Books in Hong Kong and Taiwan Areas
In the past more than twenty years , large progress has been made in digitalization of Chinese ancient books .
In this paper , we survey and analysis the situation of the ancient books database in research institutions of china .
A reasonable evaluation index system can provide guidance and quality control from overall perspectives for the construction of digitalization of TCM ancient books .
The establishment of ancient books digitalization has gone through three stages of the early practice , the intermixed use of terms and the concept formation .
This paper explores basic information of ancient agricultural book digitization resources in China and put forward a vision on the integration resources of ancient agricultural book .
But the development of the digitalized resources of Chinese ancient books depends on the cross-disciplinary collaboration while providing a platform for the innovation of new ideas and technologies .
Historical Knowledge Element Applied in the Digitalization of Ancient Books Based on the Ontology Searching for the origin of the Ancient Chinese Civilization According to the Record in the Ancient Books in Yi Language
The Enlightenment Which the Electronic Version of Si Bu Cong Kan Give the Work of Chinese Ancient Books ; On a Few Strategies Issues in the Application of Computer Technology to the Management of Classics
The conceptual study is the core problem of the study on the ancient books digitalization , and probing into the establishment of the concept of ancient books digitalization can make the concept of ancient books digitalization clearer .
Based on results investigation and the evaluation index system , this paper compare and analysised cases of digitalization of TCM ancient books , founding advantages and discovering disadvantages , put forward research and user-centered digitalized processing of TCM ancient books program .
It will give the work of ancient books digitization in other provinces with the reference , and take the navigation action for fully making use of these resources at the same time to investigate the distribution of ancient books digitization resources in Jiangsu Province .