
  • 网络Research in Ancient Chinese Language
  1. 古籍今译所涉及的语言文字问题,为古汉语研究提供了富有理论价值和应用价值的新课题。

    The linguistic and literal features related with the modern translation of ancient classics provide rich theoretical and applicable subject for the study of classical Chinese ;

  2. 二十世纪的古汉语语法研究

    On the Research of Classical Chinese Grammar in the 20th Century

  3. 由古汉语词汇研究看语言符号的任意性

    See the Randomicity of Language Signs from the Study on Ancient Chinese Vocabulary

  4. 最后一部分对古汉语虚词研究作简要展望。

    The last part prospects the function words study .

  5. 古汉语省略研究说略

    An Outline of the Study on Ancient Chinese Ellipsis

  6. 元代以来的古汉语虚词研究

    Ancient Chinese Function Word Research Since Yuan Dynasty

  7. 古汉语反义词研究初探

    Elementary Study of Antonym of Ancient Sinitic

  8. 谈古汉语语法研究中的原文、注释对比法

    Comparative Analysis of the Original Text and Notes in the Study of the Ancient Chinese Grammar

  9. 古汉语被动式研究综述&兼谈《宋书》(81~90卷)被动式

    Ancient Chinese Passive Form Research Summary & Concurrently Discusses the Passive Form of The Book of Song 81 ~ 90 Volume

  10. 从对古汉语的研究我们可以看到古汉语的历时发展,有助于我们更好地了解这一段时期的汉语特点。

    From the ancient Chinese study , we can see the development of ancient Chinese took to help us better understand the Chinese characteristics of this period .

  11. 近二十年来的研究实践证明,对于专书同义词的研究是古汉语词汇研究发展的重点和热点。

    In the past twenty years , it was quite obvious that the research of synonyms of a classic book is a weight-bearing point of ancient Chinese .

  12. 文章将信息焦点理论引进古汉语语法研究领域,并初步尝试运用该理论解释古汉语灵活的词序变化现象。

    This paper attempts to induct the theory of focus into classical chinese and apply this theory to explaining the changes of word order of classical Chinese .

  13. 长期以来,古汉语语法研究主要集中在虚词和动词上,相比之下,名词研究显得薄弱。

    For a long time , ancient Chinese grammar research has focused on the function words and verbs . In contrast , the noun study is weak .

  14. 本文回顾了二十世纪古汉语语法研究的历程,总结了各个时期古汉语语法研究的特点。

    This paper looks back on the research of classical Chinese grammar in the 20th century and sums up the distinctive features of the research in every different period .

  15. 第六章探讨了古汉语反义词研究中的若干难题,并提出了一些新看法。

    In the last part of the article the author explored a number of difficult problems , which encountered during the research and putted forward some new point of view .

  16. 本文试以名词状语句的分析为例,说明古汉语语法研究中语义结构分析的重要性。

    Taking the " N_ ( adv )· V · 'zhi ' " as an example , this paper tries to show the essentiality of the semantic structure 's analysis in the study of ancient Chinese grammar .

  17. 古汉语数量结构研究

    A Study on the Numeral-Classifier Compound in the Ancient Language

  18. 关于古汉语同义词研究的一点看法

    Some Opinion about Synonymous Words Research of Ancient Chinese

  19. 研究副词对古汉语语法的研究有着重要意义。

    The study of adverb is of great significance to the study of ancient Chinese grammar .

  20. 古汉语词汇的研究是汉语词汇研究系统的一个极其重要的部分。

    The research of acient Chinese vocabulary is an important part in Chinese vocabulary research system .

  21. 古汉语同义词研究综述

    General Review on Ancient Chinese Synonyms

  22. 古汉语植物命名研究

    Research on Plant-naming in Acient Chinese

  23. 古代文学审美语素气对古汉语词汇语义研究的价值

    Value of Aesthetic Morpheme " qi " in Ancient Literary Discourses for Ancient Chinese Lexical Semantic Studies

  24. 古汉语同义词研究从20世纪60年代开始,到目前已经取得了丰硕的成果。

    Synonymies of the old Chinese , which started in the 1960s , have now achieved a lot .

  25. 副词可以修饰谓语,因此,研究副词对古汉语语法的研究有着重要的意义。

    The study of adverb is significant to the research of grammar in ancient Chinese words because adverb can modify verb .

  26. 本文是基于向量空间模型的于古汉语词汇专题研究,是一种研究方法的探讨。

    This article is based on Vector Space Model in studies of ancient Chinese vocabulary , as an exploration of research method .

  27. 以隐喻的翻译作为古汉语诗歌翻译研究的突破口,分析并提出古汉语诗歌中隐喻的翻译策略是本论文研究的主要目的。

    By studying the translation of metaphors , this paper aims at breaking through research on translating ancient Chinese poetry . The author attempts to offer some strategies of dealing with metaphors in this area .

  28. 近20年来,古汉语同义词研究取得了可观的成绩,这些成果使这一研究在理论探讨上日趋接近语言事实;

    The study of ancient Chinese synonyms has been achieved considerable fruits over the past 20 years . These achievements make the study of ancient Chinese synonyms approach much closer to the language facts theoretically .

  29. 通过古汉语反义词的研究,可以了解一个词的多义系统,了解常用反义词的发展演变,还可以补大型语文工具书之不足。

    We can comprehend the polysemous system of a word , as well as the development and evolving of the frequently used antonyms , furthermore , the study can supplies the inadequacy of the large-size reference books .

  30. 《尔雅》同义词代表了古汉语同义词研究的传统,表现在同义训诂性、同义时代性、多源开放性、标准一义性、同义群聚性、名物主导性六方面。

    Synonyms in Er Ya represent the tradition of synonyms study in ancient China , which is synonyms explaining character , synonyms era character , dimensional opening character , standard one-meaning character , synonyms gathering character , matter leading character .