
shēnɡ xùn
  • phonetic;sound gloss
声训 [shēng xùn]
  • [use similar sound word to explain the meaning of a new word] 用音同或音近的字来解释字(词)义的方法

  1. 声训是儒家正名的重要手段,到荀子这里得到了最充分体现。

    Phonetic exegetics is the important means for the Confucianists to rectify the names .

  2. 《释名》声训方式研究

    A Study of the Manner of Acoustic Exegesis in Shi Ming

  3. 在这部书里,朱熹使用了声训作为训释词语的方式之一。

    In this book , sound explanation was one of the manners that had been used to explain words .

  4. 《说文解字》声训的特点及其在音转研究史上的价值

    The characteristic of sound-based word interpretation in " explanation of words " and the value of vocal switch in the research history

  5. 虽然缺乏理论上的论证,但是先秦学者运用声训的技巧已经十分熟练。

    Despite the lack of a theoretical argument , but the pre-Qin scholars to the use of sound training techniques that had been very skilled .

  6. 从科学词源学的角度分析,先秦两汉声训中两词之间的关系基本上有三种类型:同源关系、亲缘关系和异源关系。

    From the perspective of scientific etymology , Shengxun in Qin and Han dynasties has three types : the same oriqination , the close oriqination , the different oriqination .

  7. 声训产生与初步发展于周、秦时代,大盛于两汉、魏晋,唐代以后渐微而趋于消失。

    This technique for the study of Chinese characters in ancient books was extensively used in the Han , Wei and Jin dynasties and was disappearing after the Tang Dynasty .

  8. 《尔雅》前3篇是对普通词语的解释,其中的同源词占有相当大的比重,这决不是偶然的。这表明,在解释词语时,先秦学者已经自觉或不自觉地运用声训。

    The first three chapters of " ER YA " are of explained ordinary words , and the cognates occupy a large proportion in them , not accidental , which suggests that in interpreting the words , the pre-Qin scholars had consciously or unconsciously use of sound training .