
  • 网络Ghor;Ghowr;Ghor Province
  1. 阿富汗喀布尔——作为一个小姑娘,扎赫拉(Zahra)向往着一个不断学习的人生,生活在阿富汗西部古尔省的这个偏远小镇上,她会抓住每一个机会去学习。

    KABUL , Afghanistan - As a young girl , Zahra became consumed with the idea of a life of learning , seizing on every new opportunity that trickled to her isolated town in the western Afghan province of Ghor .

  2. 上周,扎赫拉来到古尔省中心医院,全身90%烧伤。

    Last week , Zahra arrived at the central hospital in Ghor with burns over 90 percent of her body .

  3. 但马戏团的组织者和古尔省当地的人回忆起两年前尚未结婚的扎赫拉时,称她那时13岁,是一个“非常活泼”的六年级学生。若是这样,她去世时便是15岁。

    Circus organizers as well as locals in Ghor recalled her as a " very lively " 13-year-old sixth-grader before she was married two years ago , which would make her 15 when she died .

  4. 在喀布尔和古尔省的调查人员试图理清事情原委的同时,扎赫拉的生平和死亡引发的讨论,再次让阿富汗的童婚和女性权利问题成为了焦点。

    As investigators in Kabul and Ghor tried to piece the episode together , the conversation about her life and death once again brought to the fore the issue of child marriage and women 's rights in Afghanistan .

  5. 阿扎姆一开始对古尔省以及喀布尔的记者表示,扎赫拉——她没有姓氏——在成为婚姻交易品的时候是11岁,因此算出她去世时是14岁。

    Mr. Azam initially told reporters in Ghor , as well as in Kabul , that Zahra , who had just one name , had been 11 years old when she was promised into marriage , and figured she was 14 when she died .