
  • 网络positive attention;positive regard;positive regarding
  1. 此突破引起了诸如环境学家等(人群)的积极关注。

    The breakthrough gains positive attention from the likes of environmentalists .

  2. 例如,在南非,积极关注AIDS的人用短信来指导人们去最近的HIV检测站。

    In South Africa , for example , AIDS activists are using text messages to direct people to the nearest H.I.V.testing station .

  3. 东盟成员新加坡的双边自由贸易区建设,对于中国在执行CAFTA的同时积极关注域外双边自由贸易区的合作路径提供了可能。

    One member of ASEAN-Singapore 's bilateral free trade agreement gives China a good choice for the carrying out of CAFTA .

  4. REITs作为世界各国在房地产市场中一种发展比较成熟的金融创新,已经引起中国理论界和企业界的积极关注。

    As a mature finance creation of worldwide real estate finance , REITs have absorbed the attention of Chinese theory field and business field .

  5. 对这项计划积极关注的人们。

    People who have taken an active interest in the project .

  6. 他原希望看到积极关注的迹象,结果发现的却是愤世嫉俗的言行。

    He was hoping for evidence of interest but found only cynicism .

  7. 学校应积极关注和加强健康教育,不可忽视男学生的生理卫生教育。

    The health hygiene education are very needed , especially for male students .

  8. 教师要积极关注和引导学生在教学活动中的各种道德表现和道德发展。

    Teachers must educate actively and guide students in moral behavior and development .

  9. 孩子们需要的积极关注是以他们自己的行为为条件的。

    Children need the active interest of their own acts for the conditions .

  10. 会员应积极关注《希望英语杂志》节目、本俱乐部刊物及其各类活动。

    Members should show concern to our outlook program , publications , activities with enthusiasm .

  11. 目的探讨积极关注技术在减轻护士工作疲溃感中的作用。

    Objective To explore the role of active attention in easing job burnout of nurses .

  12. 老年人数码消费品市场的研究也得到了积极关注。

    There is a huge potential 3C product market of the elder in the near future .

  13. 为了透彻地讨论研究这个核心问题,文章正文由三个主要部分组成:第一部分是对昆德拉积极关注存在的缘由的介绍。

    In order to thoroughly research the problem , the article consists of three main parts .

  14. 多数人是在有条件的积极关注环境中长大的。

    The majority of people in the active concern for the environment conditions in the Zhejiang University .

  15. 除了学生的考试焦虑,学业情绪一直都未曾受到研究者的积极关注。

    With the exceptions of research on test Anxiety , Academic emotions has not been explored and studied .

  16. 积极关注和汲取史学研究新成果;

    Second , direct his attention to the new production in the history study actively and derive from it .

  17. 西卡积极关注那些从事“智能电网”开发和能效发展的小型公司或初创企业。

    He is actively looking at small or start-up companies in " smart grid " developments and energy efficiency .

  18. 正确运用尊重、共情、热情、真诚和积极关注的心理咨询特质,有利于提高辅导员工作成效。

    Properly apply the characteristics of respect , empathy , enthusiasm , sincerity and positive focusing will improve counselor effectiveness .

  19. 中介组织要积极关注参与、保障合法权益、建设和谐社区;

    Intermediary organizations to actively participate in the concerns and protect the legitimate rights and interests , and building harmonious communities ;

  20. 甚至在去年的市场繁荣之前,投资管理行业就已经在积极关注中国市场。

    Even before the market boom of the last year , the investment management industry had been eagerly eyeing the Chinese market .

  21. 像她这样积极关注旅游的并具有前瞻性的学生在我看来是难能可贵的。

    In my opinion , it was valuable for the students like her that actively paid attention to tourism and had forward looking .

  22. 社会保障问题一直是党和国家政府部门、专家学者积极关注的社会民生问题。

    Social security has been a social livelihood problem in which the party and government departments , experts and scholars actively interest in .

  23. 客户关系管理作为第三方物流经营活动的重要组成部分,有必要引起大家的积极关注。

    We must pay attention to the customer relationship management , because it is one of the important parts of the third party logistics .

  24. 本中心透过推行不同的计划及研究工作,积极关注建筑、教育、长者及环境之间的相互关系,以达致社会和谐共融。

    CARE , is open to and cares for the needs of numerous sectors of the community through integration with architecture and architectural professionals .

  25. 关于文艺创作心理的研究,进入20世纪后,受到文艺心理学家和美学家们的积极关注和重视。

    Beginning from the 20th century , the research on the psychology of literary creation has aroused active concern and attention from literary psychologists and aestheticians .

  26. 结论采用积极关注技术对减轻护士工作疲溃感效果明显,可提高护士工作效率,提高护理质量。

    Conclusion The active attention is very effective in easing the job burnout of nurses and significantly improve the work efficiency and quality of nursing care .

  27. 对于金融机构来说,不仅要关注国内市场的情况,同时也要积极关注国际股市动态,制定相关交易策略,更好的进行风险管理。

    To financial institutions , they should pay attention to the global markets as well as local market , take relevant trading strategies and manage risk properly .

  28. 这提示我们,需要积极关注贫困生的家庭功能发挥状况,以促进贫困生身心健康发展。

    So we need to pay attention to the Poverty-stricken college students ' family functioning in order to promote the Poverty-stricken college students ' physical and mental health .

  29. 鲁迅的“业余性”昭示我们,当代知识分子应积极关注整个民族和世界的发展;

    Lu Xun 's thought on amateurism makes it clear to us that intellectuals should actively show concern for the development of the whole nation and the world .

  30. 全世界海洋和海床蕴藏的极大的富源是联合国及其会员国目前积极关注的问题。

    The vast riches of the seas and the sea-beds of the world are now the subject of active concern to the United Nations and its menmber states .