
  • 网络Positive mental attitude;positive attitude;pma
  1. 积极心态是具有吸引力最重要的个性。

    PMA is the most important aspect of any attractive personality ;

  2. 以下二章将告诉你更多维系积极心态的原则。

    The next two chapters will teach you more principles that both support and sustain your PMA .

  3. 培养一种自信的积极心态会让人受益匪浅。

    Cultivating a positive mental attitude towards yourself can reap tremendous benefits .

  4. 那些关于善良,关于慷慨,关于希望和积极心态的启示似乎总会从她每天的生活中自由的流溢出来

    Lessons on kindness , generosity , hope , and good cheer seemed to flow freely from her daily life .

  5. 亚特兰大职业咨询公司CreateYourCareerPath的老板哈莉•克劳福德(HallieCrawford)说,你可以坚持“做你自己”,但对外传播你的热情和积极心态很重要。

    It is important to broadcast enthusiasm and positivity while still ' being yourself , ' says Hallie Crawford , owner of career-consulting firm Create Your Career Path in Atlanta .

  6. 有时积极心态才是你最需要坚持的。

    Sometimes a positive attitude is all you need to keep going 。

  7. 试论学生参与体育活动积极心态的建构

    On the formation of Students Active Attitude to take part In physical Activities

  8. 他们以积极心态展现他们的信心。

    They apply their faith with positive mental attitudes .

  9. 抱持着积极心态,意味着你的行为和思想有助于目标的达成;

    Having a positive mental attitude means that your actions and thoughts further your end ;

  10. 研究显示,员工的积极心态也可以对工作业绩有益。

    Research shows that employees ' positive attitudes can be good for business , too .

  11. 将信心运用到实际行动的第二法门,就是积极心态。

    The key to putting your faith into action is to have a positive mental attitude .

  12. 首先就是对于紧急事件的积极心态,紧急乐观

    The first is urgent optimism .

  13. 学生应注意发展积极心态,主动进行说话锻炼;

    Students should pay attention to development of active state of mind and take initiative to speak .

  14. 本文从四个方面探讨了元杂剧中文人隐逸的积极心态。

    The scholars'active solitude psychology in the poetic dramas of Yuan dynasty is reflected in four aspects .

  15. 成功的核心理念是“积极心态”。“态度决定一切”。

    The core idea of success is Positive Mental Attitude ( PMA ) . Attitude is everything .

  16. 但她说没有可靠的证据说明积极心态可以单独直接影响肿瘤生长。

    But she says there is no credible evidence that positive thinking alone directly influences tumor growth .

  17. 父母应该鼓励孩子与有积极心态的孩子建立并保持友谊。

    Parents should encourage their children to develop and maintain friendships with children who have positive qualities .

  18. 该项目还包括心理健康方面的内容,向学生们提供排解压力并保持积极心态的技巧。

    The program also has a mental health component , providing techniques for handling stress and remaining positive .

  19. 你知道,运动员,我们的态度……我们的心态就是随时保持积极心态。

    You know , athletes , our attitude ... our mentality is always to try to be aggressive .

  20. 而乐观主义者的积极心态给他们提供了情绪上的支撑,推动他们坚持下去,最终掌握了这门技能。

    Yet optimists'positive perceptions provide them with the emotional support and drive to persist and eventually master the skill .

  21. 像成功者一样饮食,你就会保持巅峰能量和积极心态。

    By eating like a winner , your energy will remain at peak and your moods will stay positive .

  22. 以上三种类型的孩子所缺失的是支持型父母的孩子所具有的积极心态。

    In all three of these categories what was missing was the positive mentality that only children of supportive parents had .

  23. 你将不得不经常地锻炼,从另一方面来说,当你有着积极心态的时候不要唤醒你先天缺失的弱点。

    You will have to make in kind on the other hand not wake up your congenital weaknesses while being too active .

  24. 从以上的说明中,你可看出积极心态是多么地强化诸多和个人成就息息相关的原则。

    You can see how a positive mental attitude relies upon and reinforces so many of the principles crucial to personal achievement .

  25. 科学家一直在寻找积极心态产生有益生理影响的精确机制。

    Scientists have been hunting the precise mechanism through which a positive state of mind exerts a beneficial effect on our biology .

  26. 或者,完全关掉电视,参加体育锻炼或其他能增强你积极心态的活动。

    Or , turn off the television entirely and engage in exercise or other activities that increase a positive feeling about yourself .

  27. 该研究发现,那些拥有积极心态的求职者,在求职四个月后,有76%的人找到了工作。

    The research found that the 76 percent who kept a go-getter attitude during the job hunt found a job after four months .

  28. 不是他们不愿意用快乐的心去面对生活,而且他们需要更多积极心态人的帮助。

    It is not because they don 't want to live with joyful heart , is just they need some other people 's help .

  29. 发泄并不利于处理挫折,相反,接受、幽默和积极心态更有帮助。

    Venting isn 't an effective strategy to deal with setbacks ; acceptance , humor , and positive thinking are a better ways of coping .

  30. 当问及如何保持积极心态的时候,罗琳回复道:“我没什么好失去的,有时这样的情况令人有足够的勇气去尝试。”

    Asked how she kept motivated , she tweeted : " I had nothing to lose and sometimes that makes you brave enough to try . "