
pò shuǐ
  • break water; flow of amniotic fluid at child birth;waters burst
  1. 在加拿大多伦多的城市通常有一个破水,每年每行三英里。

    In Toronto Canada cities usually has a break water , every year each line three miles .

  2. 文中还对该船模的形状因子(1+K)、佛鲁德数(Fr)以及破水阻力(R)进行了不确定度分析,并给出了分析的结果。

    At the same time , the uncertainty analysis of the form factor ( 1 + k ), Froude number Fr and the break water resistance of this ship model is also analyzed and the analysis results are given .

  3. 见红和破水是最常见的。

    See red and broken water is the most common .

  4. 她破水了?什么意思?

    Joey : Water breaking , what do you mean ?

  5. 我的羊水会在最不合适的时候破水,而且一发不可收拾。

    My waters break in a huge gush at the most inconvinient time

  6. 我喜欢月亮从海那边破水而出的景色。

    I enjoyed the breath-taking scene of the moon rising over the sea .

  7. 破水了?什么意思?那是什么?破水?

    Water breaking ? What do you mean ? What was that ? Water breaking ?

  8. 她破水了,冷静点,行吗?

    Nurse : It 's just her water breaking . Calm down , will you ?

  9. 他使劲踩水,破水而出,他大口地吸气,一边咳嗽一边满口吐水。

    He kicked powerfully , broke through to the surface and inhaled , coughing and spitting out mouthfuls of water .

  10. 而这力量强大,足以高高的破水而出,以使它符合戏剧性及壮观。

    And that it was powerful enough to breach out of the water to that height , just to fit the drama and to make it spectacular .

  11. 他闯入每日的阳光里,犹如一头深海巨兽破水而出,轻快地,愉悦地,一丝不苟地将一切僵化守旧那光滑艳丽的伪装撕个粉碎。

    He comes into the light of every-day like a great leviathan of the deep , breaking the smooth surface of accepted things , gay , serious , sportive .

  12. 强风,减少了食物供应,一破水生产商意味着她不得不改变路线,前往的塔拉瓦环礁代替。

    Strong winds , a dwindling supply of food , and a broken water maker meant she had to change course and head to the atoll of Tarawa instead .

  13. 鲯鳅在飞掠的鱼下面破水而行,只等飞鱼一掉下,就飞快地钻进水里。

    The dolphin were cutting through the water below the flight of the fish and would be in the water , driving at speed , when the fish dropped .

  14. 结果妊娠期细菌性阴道感染发病率为8.45%,发病因素与工作环境、个人卫生知识、不洁性生活等有关,孕期感染可造成早破水、胎儿窘迫、新生儿窒息。

    RESULTS The incidence rate of vagina bacterial infection in pregnancy is 8.45 % . The pathogenic factors are related to working environment , personal hygiene knowledge , dirty sexual behavior , etc.

  15. 【中文翻译】座头鲸在阿拉斯加海域一跃一落的捕食季节期间,观鲸者蜂拥而来观看它们破水而出的场面,而科学家们在争论着成群的鲸是否合作捕食。

    Alaska , Breaching Whale , 1999 " Whale-watchers flock to such spectacles [ as breaching ] during the spring-to-fall feeding season off Alaska , while scientists debate whether groups of whales hunt cooperatively . "

  16. 橙子妈:那天晚上,我还在睡梦中呢,忽然觉得不对劲,我忙摇醒老公说:“老公,我好像破水了”。橙子妈:你老公一定很紧张吧?

    I still remembered the night when I was in my dream , and I started feeling something wrong , and I shook my husband and said , " Honey , my water broke ! " Jessica : Jessica : Your husband must have freaked out ? Yes , he did .

  17. 该压裂液应用于低温地层(25~50℃)时,是采用氧化剂和激活剂共同作用,达到使压裂液破胶化水的目的。

    In applications of low-temperature formation ( from 30 to 50 ℃ ), the fracturing fluid is broken by the oxidant and exciting agent .

  18. 该压裂液具有伤害率低、破胶化水彻底等特点,适用于深层低渗油气藏,可以满足小于150℃油气层压裂施工的需要。

    This kind of fracturing fluid have the property of low harm and thorough gel breaker water . It apply to deep and low permeability oilfield below the temperature of 150 ℃ .

  19. 管子破了,水从厨房的这边喷到那边。

    The pipe burst and jets of water shot across the kitchen .

  20. 脱水率及缓蚀率评价表明该破乳剂的水溶性好,脱出水水质高,没有腐蚀性。

    Its dehydration rate and inhibitor efficiency show that the breaker has good solubility with good quality of dehydrated water and without corrosive nature .

  21. 薄基岩采动破断及其诱发水砂混合流运移特性研究

    Overburden Failure in Thin Bedrock and Characteristics of Mixed Water and Sand Flow Induced by Mining

  22. EB-1微胶囊破胶剂能提高压裂液中破胶成分的有效含量,压裂液破胶化水彻底,提高压裂液的反排效果,减少对地层及支撑剂的伤害,提高增产效果。

    In addition , it can raise the effective content of gel breaking composition , improve the reverse discharging effect and minimize the damage to formation and proppant , thus enhance stimulation results .

  23. 论文还结合数值计算结果,讨论了破波区内波能转化为紊动能量,以及紊动能量的耗散和输移的过程,对于加深对破波区水动力特征的理解有重要意义。

    Comparison with measurements shows a satisfactory agreement . Also , the processes of the transformation of wave energy into turbulent energy , the dissipation and transport of turbulent energy by convection and diffusion are discussed .