
pò ɡé tí bá
  • unconventionally promote
  1. 他那所学院破格提拔他当副教授。

    His college gave him accelerated promotion to associate professor .

  2. 桑儿一度是他的好朋友,如果桑儿当上了这个家族的首领,也许他可以得到破格提拔,挤进里面去。

    Sonny had been his friend once and if Sonny became the head of the Family maybe he 'd get a break , get on the inside .

  3. 打破那些关于台阶的过时的观念,创造一些适合新形势新任务的台阶,这才能大胆破格提拔。

    Only by doing away with the outdated concept of the " staircase ", or by creating new staircases suited to the new situation and tasks , can we boldly break through the conventions in promoting cadres .