
  • 网络Fetal heart sound;FHb;NST;Fetal Heart Beat
  1. TXH-1型胎心音换能器的研制

    The development of the TXH-1 type fetal heart sound transducer

  2. 胎心音的主要频率范围集中在60~180Hz,因此在对信号进行A/D采样之前,应先设计滤波电路,滤除50Hz工频的谐波分量以及母体噪音。

    The major frequency range of the fetal heart sound focus on 60 ~ 180 Hz . Before sampling the fetal heart sound , it is need to design filter circuit to percolate the syntonic of 50 Hz power frequency and the noise of the matrix .

  3. 胎心音检测系统中滤波电路的设计

    Design of filter circuit in the system of detecting fetal heart sound

  4. 胎儿心音换能器是分娩监护系统中的关键部件,目前使用的胎心音换能器的主要问题是抗干扰能力差。

    The fetal heart sound transducer is a Key component of the delivery monitor . The main problem with traditional transducers is their low anti-interference ability .

  5. 试验结果证明:检测到宫血音的时间比胎心音、胎血音早34~38天,与直肠检查法相比较,其符合率高;

    The experiment showed that the detectable time of sound of uterine blood flow was 34 & 38 days earlier than that of the heart beat and the foetal blood flow , and more reliable than the diagnosis of rectal palpation .

  6. 依据B超检查正确评估宫内胎儿生长发育情况,加强孕期基础护理,密切注意胎心音、宫缩情况,保持外阴干洁预防感染,增加营养等,从而适当延长胎龄。

    Correct evaluation of the fetal growth in uterus according to B-ultrasound , enhancing the basic nursing during gestation period , watching out for fetal heart rate and uterine contraction , preserving clearness of pudenda , preventing infection and enhancing nutrition can prolong fetus duration .

  7. 实验表明,该算法有效地解决了由于胎心率加倍、减半所引起的胎心率曲线翻转问题,提高了多普勒胎心音信号提取的准确性。

    It was proved by the experiments that this method improved the veracity of extracting fetal heart and overcame the curve overturn problem in FHR detection . Doppler ;