
tāi ér
  • fetus;foetus;embryo;unborn child
胎儿 [tāi ér]
  • [foetus;embryo] 母体内的幼体

胎儿[tāi ér]
  1. 胎儿确实有生命权吗?

    Surely the fetus has a right to life ?

  2. 利用显微镜检查细胞染色体可以发现胎儿的性别。

    Microscopic examination of a cell 's chromo-somes can reveal the sex of the fetus .

  3. 许多因素可以导致胎儿发育迟缓。

    Many factors can lead to growth retardation in unborn babies .

  4. 有些胎儿的畸形部位得等到妊娠后期才能诊断出来。

    Some foetal malformations cannot be diagnosed until late in pregnancy .

  5. 她像胎儿一样蜷曲地躺着。

    She lay curled up in a foetal position .

  6. 缺氧可能阻碍胎儿的大脑发育。

    A lack of oxygen may inhibit brain development in the unborn child .

  7. 这项化验能鉴定胎儿是否有不正常现象。

    The test can identify the presence of abnormalities in the unborn child .

  8. 她的胎儿已超过预产期两周了。

    Her baby is two weeks overdue .

  9. 在出生前3个月,胎儿就已经对声音有反应了。

    Three months before birth babies are already responsive to sound .

  10. 他的腿蜷缩在身下,就像胎儿的姿势一样。

    His legs were curled beneath him in a foetal position .

  11. 孕妇酗酒可能会危及腹中胎儿。

    Pregnant women who are heavy drinkers risk damaging the unborn foetus .

  12. 母亲为胎儿提供营养和成长的空间。

    The mother provides the embryo with nourishment and a place to grow

  13. 她的情人在她打掉胎儿后甩了她。

    Her lover walked out on her after she had aborted their child .

  14. 这一新技术已经被用来鉴别胎儿的性别。

    The new technique has been used to identify the sex of foetuses .

  15. 怀孕6个星期后,胎儿的大小相当于小拇指的指甲。

    Six weeks after conception your baby is the size of your little fingernail

  16. 仔细检查,确保你所服用的任何药物不会对胎儿造成危险。

    Check that any medication you 're taking carries no risk for your developing baby

  17. 母亲吸烟会对胎儿造成不良影响。

    Maternal smoking can damage the unborn child .

  18. 已确定5个胎儿能够成活。

    Five viable pregnancies were established .

  19. 你可以通过胎动图表记录分娩前胎儿的活动情况。

    You can keep score of your baby 's movements before birth by recording them on a kick chart .

  20. 有许多理论声称能够预测胎儿的性别。

    There are many theories that claim to be able to predict whether you 're carrying a boy or a girl .

  21. 其他血液成分的生成发生在胎儿脾脏。

    Hematopoiesis of the other blood elements occurs in the fetal spleen .

  22. 流产通常是因为胎儿的染色体异常造成的。

    Miscarriages are usually caused by abnormal chromosome patterns in the fetus .

  23. 这样产生的胎儿要么主要是父方的基因表达,要么主要是母方的基因表达

    The resulting fetuses consisted of either mostly paternally or mostly maternally expressed genes .

  24. 结果:无脑儿食管的组织学结构较正常胎儿分化较低,发育迟缓。

    Result : The histological structure of anencephalus differentiates primitively and grows very slowly .

  25. 没有人知道为什么母亲的免疫系统不会自动排斥胎儿。

    No one knows why a fetus is not automatically rejected by the mother 's immune system .

  26. 胎儿出生时是死体的,保留的份额按照法定继承办理。

    The share reserved shall , if the baby is stillborn , be dealt with in accordance with statutory succession .

  27. C组液氮冷冻胎儿神经加自体雪旺氏细胞组。

    Group C , fetal nerve combined with autogenous Schwan cell grafts .

  28. 胎儿主要器官的正常解剖及MR表现

    Normal anatomy and MR findings of fetal main organs at MR imaging

  29. 采母体外周血应用PCR技术产前检测胎儿性别初探

    Prenatal sex determination from maternal peripheral blood using nested polymerase chain reaction

  30. 孕妇血浆中游离胎儿DNA可以用于无创伤产前诊断。

    Fetal DNA in maternal plasma could be regarded as the gene resource for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis .