
yǒu xiàn
  • limited;finite;restricted;a little;slender;modesty
有限 [yǒu xiàn]
  • (1) [limited;finite]∶对范围、数量或时间长短有限制的

  • (2) [slender]∶数量不多;程度不高

  • 为数有限

  • 诸侯之地有限。--宋. 苏洵《六国论》

有限[yǒu xiàn]
  1. 有限的资源正制约着我们开发新产品的能力。

    Limited resources are restricting our capacity for developing new products .

  2. 我们利用可获得的有限资源,尽最大的努力。

    We are doing our best with the limited resources available .

  3. 他设法在有限的空间内转过身来。

    He managed to twist himself round in the restricted space .

  4. 很有可能空间和时间是有限的。

    It is quite possible that space and time are finite .

  5. 她知道时间有限,所以很着急。

    She was impatient in the knowledge that time was limited .

  6. 座位有限,务必早日预订。

    Early booking is essential , as space is limited .

  7. 只有数量有限的广播频率。

    There are only a limited number of broadcasting frequencies .

  8. 这份资料在质量和数量上都很有限。

    The data is limited in terms of both quality and quantity .

  9. 篇幅有限,示例从略。

    Space does not permit the citation of the examples .

  10. 他启动各项改革的时间很有限。

    He has a limited time to crank the reforms into action .

  11. 教师和每个孩子沟通的时间有限。

    Teachers have a limited amount of time to interact with each child .

  12. 此次减价时间有限。

    This offer is for a limited period only .

  13. 版面有限,无法悉数刊载我们收到的所有来信。

    There was not enough space to print all the letters we received .

  14. 可录学生的名额不可避免地很有限。

    The number of places available is necessarily limited .

  15. 这项计划只得到有限度的支持。

    The plan was given only qualified support .

  16. 世界的资源是有限的。

    The world 's resources are finite .

  17. 写封信,附上一张支付给Cobuild有限公司的支票。

    Write , enclosing a cheque made payable to Cobuild Limited .

  18. 我们能够给予的关怀、关爱和关注是有限的。

    Our capacity for giving care , love and attention is limited

  19. 他们计划将这个俱乐部变为一家股份有限公司。

    They had plans to turn the club into a limited company

  20. 请注意,票的数量有限。

    Please note that there are a limited number of tickets .

  21. 如果可储藏的地方有限,这些拉环式背包能节省很大空间。

    These zip-top bags are great space-savers if storage is limited .

  22. 米雷康姆控股有限公司是一家美国公司在英国的分支机构。

    Millicom Holdings is the British arm of an American company .

  23. 化石燃料(如煤和石油)属于有限资源。

    The fossil fuels ( coal and oil ) are finite resources .

  24. 他们决定放弃这次出游是因为财力有限。

    Their decision to abandon the trip was made because of financial constraints

  25. 海军在平息这场叛乱的过程中起到了有限但却十分重要的作用。

    The navy played a limited but significant role in defeating the rebellion

  26. 票数有限,先申请者先得。

    Tickets are limited and will be allocated to those who apply first

  27. 近年来这家报社一直在靠有限的资源艰难维持。

    In recent years the newspaper had been limping along on limited resources

  28. 这个许可证并不能让他以公开股份有限公司的名义从事贸易。

    This licence would not allow him to trade as a plc .

  29. 他是国际体育管理有限公司的创始人。

    He is the founder of International Sports Management Limited .

  30. 植物和动物一样,生活环境常常有限。

    Plants , like animals , often have restricted habitats .