
  • 网络Fetal injury;injury of fetus
  1. 怀孕期间服用Exforge可造成胎儿损伤甚至死亡。

    Taking EXFORGE during pregnancy can cause injury and even death to your unborn baby .

  2. 代文可造成胎儿损伤甚至死亡。

    DIOVAN can harm an unborn baby and even cause death .

  3. 孕妇抽烟,可能导致胎儿损伤,早产,低出生体重儿。

    Smoking By Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal Lnjury , Premature Birth , And Low Birth Weight .

  4. 根据升级的说明书,孕妇使用氯法拉滨也能引起胎儿损伤。

    Clofarabine may also cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman , according to the updated label .

  5. 米非司酮对胎儿脏器损伤的实验研究

    The study on damage of mifepristone in fetal liver , kideny and brian

  6. 聚焦声束超声对猴胎儿定位损伤及再孕的研究

    Study of Focused Ultrasound Beams Used in Local Damage of Fetal Macaques and the Potentiality of Subsequent Pregnancy

  7. 妊娠期缺碘不仅导致胎儿脑损伤,而且导致低出生体重、早产以及围产期和婴儿死亡率增加。

    Iodine deficiency during pregnancy not only results in brain damage to the fetus , but also in low birth weight , prematurity and increased perinatal and infant mortality .

  8. 结果胎吸组的成功率(96.50%)较产钳组(99.19%)略低,但差异无显著性(P>0.05);两组母亲软产道损伤及胎儿头颅损伤发生率的差异也无显著性(P>0.05)。

    Results Two kinds of assisted vaginal delivery showed no significant difference in successful rate , maternal perineal , vaginal injuries and injury to the baby ( P > 0.05 ) .

  9. 为评估农用稀土常乐对人体胚胎的影响,采用微核试验和单细胞凝胶电泳技术检测混合稀土常乐能否通过胎盘屏障造成胎儿细胞DNA损伤。

    To assess the potential risk of mixed rare earths Changle for human embryo transplacental micronucleus test and single cell gel electrophoresis ( SCGE ) technique to detect DNA damage of embryo we used .

  10. 妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症胎儿缺氧脑损伤的研究

    Study of Fetal Brain Hypoxic Injury in Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy

  11. 子宫里的胎儿的脑损伤跟牙膏和肥皂所含的化学成分有关系。

    A chemical in toothpastes and soaps has been linked with brain damage to babies in the womb .

  12. 然而,他们同时强调在孕期能有效控制糖尿病病情的准妈妈可以避免胎儿记忆力的损伤。

    However , they stress that diabetics who properly control their condition during pregnancy avoid risking damage to their child 's memory .

  13. 方法分析115例确诊为胎儿期脑损伤患儿的脑损伤类型,及其与脑损伤可能有关的妊娠期高危因素及新生儿的异常征象,以及脑损伤程度与高危因素和神经系统症状、体征的关系。

    Methods Clinical data of 115 neonates with brain damages which developed in utero were studied retrospectively : types of brain damages , high risk factors associated with brain damages , relationship between the degree of brain damages and high risk factors and neurological signs .

  14. 超声监测围产期胎儿、新生儿脑损伤及颅内出血的研究

    Ultrasonographic Surveillance of Perinatal Fetal and Neonatal Brain Damage and Intracranial Hemorrhage

  15. 地塞米松具有抑制高氧对胎儿肺组织的损伤作用。

    Dexamethasone may inhibit the effects induced by hyperoxia .

  16. 在母亲癫痫发作期间还有其它对胎儿和胎盘的损伤,最终可能导致流产风险增加。

    There are addition concerns of fetal and placental injury during the mother seizure which can lead to an increased risk of miscarriage .

  17. 英国《每日邮报》11月30日报道,最新一项研究称,孕妇接触富含三氯苯氧氯酚的物质(三氯苯氧氯酚常用于制造牙膏以及肥皂),将会对其腹中胎儿的大脑造成损伤。

    According to a recent study , expectant mothers'exposure to high levels of a chemical , called triclosan which is used in toothpastes and soaps , may bring damage to their babies'brains .

  18. 结论米非司酮用于中期妊娠可造成胎儿肝、肾、脑组织的损伤,孕16~22周应用该药对胎儿造成的损伤最为严重;

    Conclusion Mifepristone can lead to the damage to lover , kidney and brain in mid-pregnancy .

  19. 在胎儿颅内注射KCL后心跳即使不能停止,也因注药后的胎儿脑组织损伤,胎动减弱或消失,为进一步实施心脏穿刺创造了条件。

    Even the fetal heart does not disappear after the injection of KCL , it also can decrease the fetal movement or make it disappear because of the damage of fetal brain tissue , to create the conditions for the cardiac injection .

  20. Tei指数和射血分数可以作为胎儿心室功能评价的良好指标,不同程度子痫前期胎儿左心室、右心室功能均受损,尤以SPE胎儿心功能损伤较重。

    Tei index and ejection fraction can be used as good indicators to assess aspects of systolic and diastolic function . Fetal left and right ventricular function in preeclampsia are impaired , especially in SPE .