
  • 网络Exceptional promotion;break a rule to promote sb
  1. 这份工作有晋升的机会.破格晋升某人为副教授

    The job offers prospects of promotion . Break a rule to promote sb to associate professor ; give sb . an accelerated promotion to associate professor

  2. 高校教师职务评审工作探讨青年教师破格晋升高级职称评审方法研究

    Study of Appraisal Method of Young Teachers'Breaking Rules to Promote Higher Professional Post

  3. 对于考核不合格者,要低聘或解聘专业技术职务,考核优秀者可以破格晋升专业技术职务。

    Unqualified to assessment person , want low hire or dismiss major technical position , assessment is outstanding person can abnormality is rising and professional technical position .

  4. 评议会把他从讲师提升为教授。破格晋升某人为副教授

    The senate advanced him from a lectureship to a professorship Break a rule to promote sb to associate professor ; give sb . an accelerated promotion to associate professor

  5. 破格晋升高级职称对激发青年教师工作积极性,发挥其潜能起着非常重要的作用,提出将申报者的实际工作与专家评判相结合的评审方法。

    Breaking rules to promote higher professional post is important to stimulate young teachers ' working enthusiasm , and to give play to their potentials . This paper puts out a more scientific and reasonable appraisal method .