
jī jí yì wù
  • active duty;active obligation;positive duty;positive obligation
  1. 每一项权利都与积极义务和消极义务相联系;

    Every right associates with both positive and negative duties .

  2. 不作为犯罪中的义务是一种积极义务,是一种具有特殊的适用范围的义务。

    The duty of Crime of Omission , which applies to particular limits , falls into a positive category .

  3. 要使农民工实现社会保障权,必须从立法、行政以及国家履行积极义务等几个方面采取措施。

    It is necessary to ensure peasant laborers ' social safeguard right from following aspects-legislation , administration and the state 's performing the duty .

  4. 积极作为义务为原则,消极不作为义务为例外的法律属性。

    Additional obligation and inactive nonfeasance as its exception .

  5. 目前,关于积极行动义务的讨论正逐渐升温。

    The debate on the adoption of positive obligations becomes hotter , too .

  6. 由于这里的责任是指关系责任、积极的义务,因此企业与员工的关系将决定二者间的责任内容的不同。

    These contents are due to the relationship between corporation and its employee .

  7. 注意义务是基金管理人信赖义务中的积极作为义务,它的法律渊源大致来源于契约法、侵权法和衡平法三方面。

    The duty of the care originates from the contractual law , the tort law and the equity law .

  8. 它的直接效力表现为赋予国家以一定的义务,包括消极的义务和积极的义务,以及对立法进行调控与制约的高级法效力;

    2 , the direct efficacy represents certain obligations endowed to the state , including negative and positive ones as well as senior-law efficacy ;

  9. 我极力免去他对我的一切义务。受托人负有积极行为义务的信托。

    I tried to show that I excused him from all his obligations to me . a trust in which the trustee must perform certain duties .

  10. 义务教育具有基础,强制及免费的基本特点,受义务教育权作为一项社会权利,强调国家的积极作为义务。

    The compulsory education featured fundamental , obligation and free of charge , is done as a temporary measure . As a social right , the compulsory education demands governmental to act positively .

  11. 本文将行政不作为界定为行政主体负有积极作为义务并具备作为可能性,但在外部形态上消极不为或仅以预备性程序行为为表现,根据法律规定或推定其已作意思表示的行为。

    This paper defines the administrative omission as administrative subject having actions and duties and possibilities of administrative actions , but having passive actions or taking pre-procedure actions as its manifestation in outer formation .

  12. 对国家而言,国家机关不仅负消极尊重义务,自己不得侵犯生命权,而且负有积极保护义务,应当积极采取措施保护生命权,并应在消极义务与积极义务之间取得平衡。

    For the state , state departments shoulder the obligation of respecting negatively by not violating the right to life , the obligation of protecting positively by taking measures to protect the right to life , seeking the balance between negative obligation and positive obligation .

  13. 本文阐述了,在目前形势下全面实现义务教育补偿的价值基础及其合理性,倡导了一种积极的义务教育均衡发展的策略&义务教育补偿。

    The thesis tries to explain that the value basis and its rationality of building compensation for the compulsory education in all round way at present situation , and sparkplugs a positive strategy of the balanced development of the compulsory education , which is the compensation for the compulsory education .

  14. 文章首先解释了客观义务的概念,并把客观义务分为积极的客观义务和消极的客观义务。

    The conception of the objective obligation of the public prosecutor is explained and is divided into two sorts : positive and negative of the objective obligation of the public prosecutor .

  15. 香港警队追求和养成的积极履行告知义务、主动为律师讯问在场提供条件、自觉遵守法律对讯问方式的限制、严格执行侦查权与羁押权分离等现代执法观念,得了社会公众的拥戴。

    What Hong Kong police pursued and formed performs duty of telling actively , voluntarily offer the condition that the lawyer present interrogates , consciously observe the restriction on the thing that interrogate the way of the law , strictly carry out the right of investigating and detaining detached etc.

  16. 加入公约后,我国积极履行公约义务,对《残疾人保障法》进行了修改,实现了与公约的较好衔接,但与公约的要求尚有一定差距,需要在以后的立法修改中予以完善。

    After accession to the Convention , China positively takes the obligation and amends protection of Disabled Persons Act to achieve a better convergence with the Convention . But there is the gap with certain requirements of the Convention and the relevant law in China should be changed and improved .

  17. 因此,需要国家也履行积极保护和消极尊重双重义务,其中尤以履行对弱势群体的积极保护义务为重。

    Therefore , it is necessary for countries to fulfill the dual obligation to protect the positive and respect the negative , especially protecting the vulnerable groups positively .