
  • a harmonious society;harmony society
  1. 我们提倡弊绝风清,建设一个和谐社会。

    We advocate a harmonious society where corruption is swept away , and social mores are cleared .

  2. 第三种力量:和谐社会的动力建构

    Third kind of strength : the harmonious society 's power constructs

  3. 哲学、民族精神与构建和谐社会

    Philosophy , National Spirit and the Building of a Harmonious Society

  4. 浅谈环境法理、环境伦理与和谐社会

    On Environmental Theory of Laws , Environmental Ethics and Harmonious Society

  5. 构建和谐社会,是人类伟大的美学工程。

    Constructing a harmonious society is a human great aesthetic project .

  6. 建设和谐社会视角下的利益衡量理论

    Balancing of Interest Theory Under the View of Building Harmonious Society

  7. 科学发展观的视野下的社会主义和谐社会

    On socialism harmonious society under the viewpoint of scientific development outlook

  8. 加强道德建设,推进和谐社会构建

    Strengthening Moral Construction to Promote the " Harmonious Society " Construction

  9. 电影界要为构建和谐社会和建设和谐文化做出贡献

    The Film Should Work for Constructing the Harmonious Country and Culture

  10. 电视导向:和谐社会的舆论支撑

    TV Guiding : Support of Public Opinion of the Harmonious Society

  11. 风险社会理论视角下和谐社会的构建

    Construction of Harmonious Society from the Perspective of the Risk-Society Theory

  12. 合理的社会阶层结构是构建和谐社会的基础

    Reasonable social class structure is the basis for building harmonious society

  13. 这种颠覆对于我们今天的和谐社会建设仍有着积极的启示。

    This is positive to our construction of actual Harmonious Society .

  14. 创建学习型城区:构建和谐社会的必由之路

    Building up Study-Type Urban Area : A Necessary Road to Establish

  15. 发展社会系统工程,加速构建和谐社会

    Develop the Social Systems Engineering and Accelerate the Constructing of Harmonious Community

  16. 破除地方保护税制,构建和谐社会

    Breaking Down Regional Protection Tax System and Constructing Harmonious Society

  17. 加快怒江水电开发服务和谐社会建设

    Accelerate Nujiang River hydropower development Serve the harmonious society construction

  18. 和谐社会以承认社会多样性为前提。

    A harmonious society accepts social diversity as the prerequisite .

  19. 加强图书馆员职业道德素养,服务和谐社会建设

    Strengthen Librarian Professional Ethics Accomplishment , Serve Harmonious Society Construction

  20. 完善医疗救助制度构建社会主义和谐社会

    To Improve the Medical Succoring System and Build a Socialist Harmonious Society

  21. 和谐社会应包括经济和谐、政治和谐和文化和谐。

    Harmonious society includes economic harmony , political harmony and cultural harmony .

  22. 和谐社会倡导生态文明,强调可持续发展。

    A harmonious society advocates eco-civilization and emphasizes sustainable development .

  23. 构建和谐社会与政府的角色行为

    Construction of a harmonious society and the government 's role and behavior

  24. 论宗教对话、世界和平与和谐社会

    Reflections on Religion Communication , World Peace and Harmonious Society

  25. 加强管理、提升服务,构建和谐社会

    Strengthen the management , improve the service , building a harmonious society

  26. 建设政府诚信与构建和谐社会

    The Construction of Government Honest Credit And Building Harmonious Society

  27. 发展地球科学文化服务构建和谐社会

    Developing Earth Science Culture and Serving Construction of Harmonious Society

  28. 科学协调利益关系推动社会主义和谐社会建设

    Scientifically Coordinating Benefit Relations and Impelling Socialism Harmonious Society Construction

  29. 儒家和谐社会理念及其历史局限

    The Confucian Ideas of Harmonious Society and Their Historical Limitations

  30. 关于职业足球在我国和谐社会构建中的运作研究&构建和谐的职业足球联赛与职业足球俱乐部

    Forming Harmonious Professional Football League and Constructing Football Clubs of Our Country