
péi chánɡ jīn é
  • Compensation amount;indemnity
  1. 赔偿金额可以从劳动者的工资扣除。

    Indemnity can be deducted from the salary of laborer .

  2. 重复保险的保险金额总和超过保险价值的,各保险人的赔偿金额的总和不得超过保险价值。

    If the total amount of the sum insured by double insurance exceeds the insured value , the total amount of indemnity paid by all insurers concerned shall not exceed the insured value .

  3. 控方律师在法庭外表示,NGN同意在评估赔偿金额时基于一个认定,即NGN高管和董事对过失知情,并试图通过蓄意欺骗调查人员和销毁证据来隐瞒实情。

    Outside court , the claimants ' lawyers said that NGN has agreed to compensation being assessed on the basis that senior employees and directors of NGN knew about the wrongdoing and sought to conceal it by deliberately deceiving investigators and destroying evidence .

  4. 平均赔偿金额在3.45万元。

    The average amount of compensation was ¥ 34.5 thousand .

  5. 在民事诉讼领域,民事侵权案件是最多见的,但赔偿金额通常很低。

    Tort cases dominate the civil litigation system but awards are low .

  6. 游戏一年的赔偿金额在48美元至951美元之间。

    Games can range from $ 48 to $ 951 a year .

  7. 他们估计损失赔偿金额为90000美元。

    They assesse damages at $ 90 000 .

  8. 关于离婚精神损害赔偿金额的确定问题。

    The confirmation of damage compensation sum .

  9. 实际的赔偿金额仍要由员工和用人单位协商而定。

    The exact amount of compensation can still be negotiated between employees and their company .

  10. 根据这一规则,投保人所获赔偿金额不得超过其实际损失的金额。

    According to this rule , the policyholder cannot collect more money than was actually lost .

  11. 但许多投资者认为,这一赔偿金额以及警方所采取的行动还远远不够。

    But many investors felt the compensation and the police actions did not go far enough .

  12. 他至少已经破坏了三扇门,造成高达美金两千六百元的赔偿金额。

    He has destroyed at least three doors and caused up to us $ 2600 in damages .

  13. 此外,还要考虑使用一个外部法律团队作为响应团队的一部分,以帮助确定赔偿金额。

    Also , consider having an outside forensics team as part of the response team to help assess damage .

  14. 迄今为止,中国专利诉讼的赔偿金额也一直很低,但这种情况可能会发生变化。

    Up to now , damages in Chinese patent cases have also been low , but that could change .

  15. 外国投资者起诉中国公司仿冒产品有时也能胜诉,尽管赔偿金额不大。

    Foreign investors sometimes win cases against Chinese companies that have copied their products , although damages are not huge .

  16. 有流言称,这些老年人是故意倒在地上,从而企图来获得赔偿金额。

    Rumors have it that some of the elderly fall to the ground deliberately in order to get the money .

  17. 决定书和赔偿金额分割单应当由共同赔偿义务机关签章确认。

    The written decision and the list of compensation separation shall be signed and confirmed by the organizations with joint compensation obligation .

  18. (此次赔偿金额可能高达4900万美元,而且可能由马来西亚航空的保险公司支付。)

    ( This payment could be as high as $ 49 million , and would come from Malaysia Airlines ' insurers . )

  19. 事故后确定损害赔偿金额受难者总赔偿金额预估约七千五百万。

    Assess damage after an accident The total amount of the compensation paid to the victims is estimated at $ 75 million .

  20. 这样的大纲可能会在一定程度上规范实践,但是也还应该允许陪审团在赔偿金额上有一些裁量的余地。

    Such guidelines would model existing practices to the extent possible , but would also allow juries some discretion in award amounts .

  21. 第三部分:适用条件、赔偿金额的确定以及相关制度的设计。

    Part III : The confirmation of applicable condition and compensation money total , as well as the design of related systems .

  22. 责任的构成要件以及赔偿金额倍率的选择,是反垄断法上的损害赔偿责任得以确定的关键。

    The constitutive requirements of responsibility and the choice of damage compensation is the key in determinating the liability for damage in anti-monopoly law .

  23. 赔偿金额一般包括发票金额和运输费用及保险费再加一个商定的百分比,如10%。

    The compensation payable generally includes the invoice cost plus freight , the insurance premium , and an agreed percentage , say 10 % .

  24. 受难者总赔偿金额预估约七千五百万。他们估计损失赔偿金额为90000美元。

    The total amount of the compensation paid to the victims is estimated at $ 75 million . They assesse damages at $ 90 000 .

  25. 关对于赔偿金额很满意,这笔钱可以付他的医疗费,他说,并说他可能需要进一步的手术。

    Guan is satisfied with the amount , which will cover his medical bills , he said , adding that he may need further operations .

  26. 将裁判的赔偿金额折合成本国货币的日期,应按受案法院所在地法律确定。

    The date of conversion of the sum awarded into national currencies shall be governed by the law of the Court seized of the case .

  27. 赔偿金额是对通常情况下买方违反合同所直接造成的估计损失额。

    The amount of money paid is the estimated loss directly resulting in the ordinary course of events from the buyer 's breach of contract .

  28. 根据保华国际以传真方式发布的声明,保华国际与安永以未经披露的“具有实质性意义的”赔偿金额达成了庭外和解。

    Borrelli Walsh and Ernst & Young settled the case for an undisclosed " substantial " amount , according to a faxed statement from the liquidator .

  29. 孔宏德表示,在中国打官司,赔偿金额相对较小,因为法院只考虑受损害方所遭受的直接损失。

    Mr corne of Eversheds says the relatively small awards in Chinese cases are because courts limit themselves to the direct damages the aggrieved party suffers .

  30. 前项终止契约权,于赔偿金额给付后,经过一个月不行使而消灭。

    The right to terminate the contract as stated in the preceding paragraph shall be extinguished if not exercised within one month after indemnification is paid .