
  1. 这说明作者对GA算法机理的理解和佳点GA算法可能为GA算法的研究开辟一条新的途径。

    The new interpretation of GA and the proposed good point set based GA provide a new way for investigating GA.

  2. 当万汶和佳乐施行AHHD使用剂量超过20ml/(kg.h)或病人近期应用抗凝药物,解热镇痛药物治疗或存在潜在出血性疾病时应慎重。

    When we perform AHHD by infusing more than 20 ml / ( kg · h ) solution ( voluven and gelofusine ), or the patient who has the treatment with anticoagulant , antipyretic analgesic recently or has potential hemorrhage disease , cautions should be taken .

  3. 我又和佳喜度过了两天。

    I had spent two more days with ka-hee .

  4. 此次招聘会吸引了不少像珠海双喜炊具集团、和佳医疗等本地知名企业参加,还有四十多家广州、中山等外地企业。

    The recruitment drive was joined by more than40non-local companies from Guangzhou and Zhongshan as well as some quite well-known local companies such as Zhuhai double happiness cooker corp. , hokai medical instruments Co.