
  1. 荷兰人于十九世纪来到这一地区定居。

    This region was settled by the Dutch in the nineteenth century .

  2. 到十九世纪末,可乐谷才被成吨的运送到欧洲和美国。

    By the late 19th century , kola nuts were being shipped by the tonne to Europe and the US .

  3. 不过,这种用法较为陈旧,至少可追溯到十九世纪20年代中期。

    But this sense is quite old , dating to at least the mid3 1920s .

  4. 数百年的发展过程中,它们在知识方面受到略为随机的各式力量所影响,此外也受中世纪修道院的课程所影响,一些十九世纪德国教育家的理念,以及贵族宫廷社会的顾忌也有影响。

    They were intellectually influenced by all kinds of slightly random , the ideas of some 19th-century German educationalists , and the concerns of aristocratic court societies .

  5. 十九世纪晚期,美国工会受够了——受够过度劳累、身处危险工作环境但只领到微薄薪水。

    In the late 19th century , American labor unions were fed up — fed up with being overworked , in dangerous conditions and with little pay .

  6. 十九世纪,P·西蒙,M·拉普拉斯统一了这些早期思想,首先建立了概率的基本理论。

    In the nineteenth century , Pierre Simon , Marquis de Laplace unified all these early ideas and compiled the first general theory of probability .

  7. 工作研究(WorkStudy),包括方法研究(MethodStudy)与时间研究(TimeStudy),是工业工程的经典内容,十九世纪末起源于美国,并在欧洲、日本等西方国家广泛应用和迅速发展。

    Work Study , including Method Study and Time Study , is the classical substance of Industrial Engineering . It was derived in U.S. at the end of 19 century , and was broadly performed in Europe , Japan and other west countries .

  8. 十九世纪八十年代,宾夕法尼亚州州立大学材料研究实验室研制了一种小型化的V型弯张换能器&Cymbal。

    A miniaturized version of the class V flextensional transducer : cymbal transducer was developed in the 1980s at the Materials Research Laboratory at the Pennsylvania State University .

  9. 弗朗兹.舒伯特(FranzSchubert,1797-1828),奥地利作曲家,十九世纪浪漫主义音乐的奠基人之一。

    Franz Schubert , an Austrian composer , is one of the fathers of romantic music in the 19 century .

  10. 正如全港第一家酒店HongKongHotel在十九世纪自我标榜为远东地区最宽敞、最佳委任酒店,而上述几家酒店都只敢自诩在亚洲出类拔萃。

    Like the citys first hotel , the Hong Kong Hotel , which described itself in the 19th century as the most commodious and best-appointed hotel in the Far East , all these hotels could justly lay claim to being among the finest in Asia .

  11. 经典的Riemann-Roch定理是十九世纪数学中的杰作,1954年,F。

    Classical Riemann-Roch theorem is one of the most prominent works . In 1954 , F.

  12. 意大利歌剧作曲家温琴佐.贝利尼(VincenzoBellini,1801-1835),是十九世纪意大利浪漫主义歌剧的代表作曲家之一。

    Italian opera composer Vincenzo Bellini ( 1801-1835 ), is the nineteenth century on behalf of the Italian romantic opera composer of one of the .

  13. Malinowski是一位英国人类学家,他在十九世纪就提出有关语境的理论,分别提出了情景语境和文化语境两个概念。

    Malinowski , an English anthropologist , put forward the concept of context in the 19th century . He argues that context includes situational context and cultural context .

  14. 意大利歌剧作曲家贾科莫·普契尼,(GiacomoPuccini,1858-1924),是十九世纪末至欧战前真实主义歌剧流派的代表人物。

    Giacomo Puccini ( 1858-1924 ), who was opera composer in Italia , was the representative figure of socialist opera schools from the nineteenth century to .

  15. 恩里克·格拉纳多斯(EnriqueGranados,1867-1916)是十九世纪末二十世纪初西班牙民族乐派的代表人物之一,他的钢琴作品在西班牙钢琴音乐史中占有重要的地位。

    Enrique Granados is one of representatives of Spanish folk music during the late 19th century and the early 20th century . His piano works have important impact on the history of Spanish Music .

  16. 乔治·比才(GeorgesBizet),法国十九世纪杰出的作曲家,尽管他在36岁就英年早逝,但是他给后人留下的数部作品奠定了他在浪漫主义时期不可动摇的地位。

    Georges Bizet ( 1838-1875 ) is a talented composer of france in 19th century . Although he died early at the age of 36 , he had founded an important place in romantic periods because of his numerous works for the posterity .

  17. 十九世纪临床法医学的主要成就(一)

    The main achievements of clinical forensic medicine in nineteenth century (ⅰ)

  18. 十九世纪中期的人口问题与农民起义

    On the problems of population and the peasant uprisings during mid-19th-century

  19. 十九世纪俄罗斯文学深深地影响了鲁迅的思想与创作。

    The nineteenth century Russian literature profoundly affected Luxun'sthought and creation .

  20. 十九世纪的美国精神

    The States of Mind in 19 ~( th ) Century America

  21. 十九世纪澳门的城市建筑发展

    The devel opment of Macao city 's architecture in 19th century

  22. 创造社与十九世纪末欧洲文艺思潮

    The Literary Creation Society and European Literature Thought of 19th Century

  23. (十九世纪40年代)早期对机车的术语。

    ( c. 1840 ) an early term for a locomotive .

  24. 十九世纪初,清王朝迅速衰败。

    During the early19th century , the Qing Dynasty declined rapidly .

  25. 托马斯·哈代是英国十九世纪伟大的小说家。

    Thomas Hardy is a great English writer in the 19th century .

  26. 现代报纸在重庆出现,始于十九世纪末期。

    Modern newspaper appeared in Chongqing , in the late nineteenth century .

  27. 十九世纪时,许多欧洲人移民到美洲。

    In the 19th century many Europeans emigrated to America .

  28. 但在十九世纪二十年代仅仅是收容所和休克疗法。

    In the nineteen-twenties it was the asylum and the shock treatments .

  29. 十九世纪是蒸汽机时代。

    The19th century was the age of the steam engine .

  30. 英国在十九世纪成了一个工业国家。

    England became an industrial country in the nineteenth century .