
sōng bǎi
  • pine and cypress;chaste;pure and undefiled;grave
松柏 [sōng bǎi]
  • (1) [pine and cypress]∶松树与柏树

  • 东西植松柏,左右种梧桐。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • (2) [chaste;pure and undefiled]∶比喻坚贞的洁操

  • 岁不寒无以知松柏,事不难无以知君子。--《荀子.大略》

  • (3) [grave]∶指坟墓。因古人墓地多植松柏而得名

  • 将军松柏不剪,亲戚安居。高台未倾,爱妾尚在。悠悠尔心,亦何言。--《文选.丘迟.与陈伯之书》

松柏[sōng bǎi]
  1. 松柏参天傲霜雪。

    The towering pine and cypress trees defy frost and snow .

  2. 降水中的pH值和金属元素在松柏混交林内变化动态

    Dynamics of pH value and metal elements of rainfall within mixed forests in Japanese pine and cypress

  3. 松柏四季常青。

    Pines and cypreesses are green all the year .

  4. 松柏参天,浓荫蔽日。

    Pines and cypresses tower overhead , blotting out the sunlight .

  5. 根据其化学性质及UV、IR、MS、NMR数据,鉴定为松柏烯(Cembrene)。

    According to the chemical properties and UV , IR , MS , NMR data , it was identified as cembrene .

  6. 我们的结果表明GH2是一个主要的多功能CAD,在水稻木质素生物合成中参与合成松柏醇和芥子醇的前体。

    Our results suggest GH2 acts as a primarily multifunctional CAD to synthesize coniferyl and sinapyl alcohol precursors in rice lignin biosynthesis .

  7. 木素碳水化合物复合体的形成机理及化学结构的研究(Ⅱ)微晶纤维素和松柏醇-β-D葡萄糖苷存在下DHP的合成

    Study on Lignin-Carbohydrate Complexes from Monolygnol (ⅱ) & Synthesis of DHP from Micro Crystalline Cellulose and Coniferin

  8. 经过统计和计算机试验给出松柏科的朝鲜崖柏、刺柏和油松叶的三维IFS码,并可以从各个角度进行多方位浏览。

    According as the results of experiments , present the codes of IFS ( Iterated Function System ) of Korean Arborvitae , Cypress and Chinese Pine leaves .

  9. 红外分析结果显示:该实验条件下用松柏醇葡萄糖苷合成的DHP同天然银杏木材的磨木木质素(MWL)在组成和结构上有较好的相似性。

    The result of IR indicated that the chemical structure of DHP was in well agreement with MWL prepared from ginkgo wood .

  10. 松柏烯(Cembrene)的提取与鉴定

    Extraction and identification of cembrene

  11. 筒鞘蛇菰提取物及松柏苷的抗氧化作用研究

    Study of Anti-oxidation Effects of Extracts of Balanophora Involucrate and Trans-Coniferin

  12. 房间里充满很浓的松柏香味。

    The room is pervaded with the strong odour of pines .

  13. 古典诗文中松柏意象举隅

    On the Pine and Cypress Images of Chinese Classical Poetry and Essay

  14. 中国传统松柏文化研究

    A Study on Traditional Pine and Cypress Culture of China

  15. 山上长满苍翠的松柏。

    Green pines and cypresses also grow in the hills .

  16. 那里有一些又大又老、生了病的松柏。

    There were some huge , old and diseased conifers .

  17. 杉木精油的主要化学组成为松柏醇;

    The major chemical component of the oil was cedrol .

  18. 路上先是穿过一个松柏茂密的森林。

    The trip started by going through a pine forest .

  19. 古松柏叶肉细胞超微结构的研究

    The Ultrastructure Study on uhe Mesophyll Cell in Age-old Conifers

  20. 饮石泉兮荫松柏

    drinks from the rocky spring , shaded by pines and firs .

  21. 张舜咨、雪界翁二人都是元代的画家,擅画山水、松柏。

    Zhang and Xue were both good at landscape and pine drawing .

  22. 每座房子都是一二层高,院子里栽有花草和松柏等。

    Residents planted flowers and trees including pine and cypress in the yards .

  23. 中国民俗中的松柏意象

    On Pine and Cypress Images of Chinese Folk Custom

  24. 作品有《秋葵图》、《松柏兰石图》。

    His well-known paintings are autumn sunflower and pine , orchid and stone .

  25. 接著到了森林里面,漫溢松柏的芳香。

    The into the forest with great refreshing scent .

  26. 我们像松柏&宁折不弯。

    We should not bend as cypress and pine .

  27. 松柏夹道的墓地,心碎神伤

    Through churchyard paths of cypress and of yew

  28. 中国松柏文化初论

    Discussion on the Chinese Pine and Cypress Culture

  29. 一棵松柏到有50年树龄时就长足了。

    A conifer will be full-sized by the time it is fifty years old .

  30. 松柏科植物长着叫针叶的细长叶子。

    Conifers have long thin leaves called needles .