
  • 【地名】【日本】Matsushima
  1. 它们游到阿森松岛搭窝:雌龟爬上岸,在沙滩上挖坑产卵。

    They go to Ascension Island to nest - females crawling ashore1 to lay their eggs in the sand .

  2. 现在人气最高的是松岛风,这片俗俗卖?

    This is the most popular , do you want it ?

  3. 这里的原则是协调,而不是像马斯达尔和松岛那样的发出指令。

    The principle here is co-ordination rather than , as in Masdar and Songdo , prescription .

  4. 现在新的信息技术正在用与马斯达尔和松岛完全不同方式帮助人们。

    the new information technologies are now helping them , in a very different way to Masdar and Songdo .

  5. 你可能会设计出阿联酋的马斯达尔,或者韩国的松岛。

    You might come up with Masdar , in the United Arab Emirates , or Songdo , in South Korea .

  6. 在南太平洋的阿森松岛,人们故意引进猫来吃掉意外引入的鼠类。

    On Ascension Island , in the South Atlantic , cats were deliberately introduced to eat the accidentally introduced rats .

  7. 它必须是作为太阳系到高振动移动作为宇宙阿森松岛的一部分。

    It must come as the Solar System moves into the higher vibrations as part of the Ascension of the Universe .

  8. 在新松岛市城市总体规划的中心,鹤还设计了四个不同的混合使用的建筑师项目。

    Within the master plan of the New Songdo City urban center , HOK is also design architect for four separate mixed-use projects .

  9. 但是在松岛,街区里没有这种多样性的原则,走在大街上看不到任何有意思的东西。

    But in Songdo , lacking that principle of diversity within the block , there is nothing to be learned from walking the streets .

  10. 他们是两个令人瞠目的智能城市版本,马斯达尔更出名或者更不出名,而松岛以一种反常的方式更令人着迷。

    These are two versions of the stupefying smart city : Masdar the more famous , or infamous ; Songdo the more fascinating in a perverse way .

  11. 问题是,人们把月球看成了类似阿森松岛的东西,一个人类的各个殖民地间的中转站。这些殖民地在未来的某一天有可能相互往来贸易。

    It 's the problem of seeing the moon as a kind of Ascension Island , midway between human colonies that might some day trade with one another .

  12. 但是城市不是一台机器,不能像马斯达尔和松岛那样,那样版本的城市会在高效中使得生活其中的人们变得死气沉沉和昏头昏脑。

    But a city is not a machine ; as in Masdar and Songdo , this version of the city can deaden and stupefy the people who live in its all-efficient embrace .

  13. 以前人们之所以能够生存下来,要靠当地复杂的社区生活结构;现在新的信息技术正在用与马斯达尔和松岛完全不同方式帮助人们。

    In the past people survived thanks to the complex tissues of local life ; the new information technologies are now helping them , in a very different way to Masdar and Songdo .

  14. 松岛代表智能城市建筑反常的一面-巨大,干净,高效的房屋在韩国西部山区中拔地而起,就像1960年代英国住宅去的膨胀版,但是现在供暖,安防,停车和送货都是受到松岛

    Songdo represents the stupefying smart city in its architectural aspect - massive , clean , efficient housing blocks rising up in the shadow of South Korea 's western mountains , like an inflated 1960s British housing estate - but now heat , security , parking and deliveries are all controlled by a central Songdo " brain . "