
  • 网络echinacea;Ratibida;Echinacea Moench
  1. 大蒜和松果菊属植物都是既抗病毒又抗细菌,甘草也具有极佳的增强免疫的功能。

    Both garlic and echinacea are antiviral and antibacterial and liquorice is a good immune system enhancer .

  2. 适当补充多种维生素和矿物质可以避免免疫力的下降,益生菌制品也有此功效。松果菊属草药提取物也可以提高免疫力。把一两滴茶树油溶于水中用来漱口也是良方;

    alcohol and caffeine all affect efficiency . A good multivitamin and mineral supplement will act as insurance against any deficiency but probiotics also help.The herb extract echinacea has immune - enhancing properties.Gargling with one or two drops of tea tree oil mixed with water helps ; it is a powerful anti - fungal , anti-bacterial ,

  3. 松果菊属3种药用植物的DNA分子鉴别研究

    DNA Molecular Identification of the Three Echinacea Species

  4. 松果菊属草药提取物也可以提高免疫力。

    The herb extract echinacea has immune-enhancing properties .

  5. 松果菊属药用植物的应用基础研究

    Applied fundamental research of echinacea species

  6. 菊科松果菊属三种药用植物花粉的形态研究属于帚菊木属的任何一种植物。

    Studies on the Pollen Morphology of Three Species of Echinacea Moench . any of various plants of the genus Mutisia .