
  1. 苏联与1956年波兰十月事件

    Soviet Union and the October Incident in 1956 of Poland The Story of Year

  2. 最终激化的矛盾无法调和,发生十月事件。

    The failure of harmonizing two sides of the contradiction finally resulted in the events of October .

  3. 匈牙利十月事件的爆发,引起了国际社会的强烈反响。

    The outbreak of the October Reve lution in Hungary aroused the strong response around the whole world .

  4. 通过对这一过程的进一步挖掘,我们可以得出六月事件是十月事件的前奏和序幕,直到哥穆尔卡重回政坛,波兰群众反抗运动才算是暂时告一段落。

    Through the process of further mining , we can come to the events of October is June event prelude , has been to the elder brother Moore card back to politics , the resistance of the polish mass movement is a temporary pause .