
hé pínɡ yùn dònɡ
  • peace movement
  1. 和平运动从越南学到了不少东西。

    The peace movement has learnt a thing or two from Vietnam .

  2. 这是我初次参加和平运动。

    This was my initiation into the peace movement .

  3. 和平运动在过去的自由党内呼声很强。

    In the old Liberal party the peace movement was a powerful voice .

  4. 他倾向于用暴力,这可是跟和平运动的宗旨背道而驰的。

    His tendency toward violence was athwart the philosophy of the peace movement .

  5. 我曾去听伟大的越南僧人、诗人、和平运动者一行禅师(ThichNhatHanh)在纽约演讲。

    I once went to see the great Vietnamese monk , poet and peacemaker Thich Nhat Hanh speak in New York .

  6. 据BBC报道,爱德华和妻子在1937年10月访问了德国,让人怀疑爱德华会不会给“希特勒构想的世界和平运动充当傀儡”。BBC说夫妇俩与希特勒见了面。

    The BBC wrote that in October 1937 , Edward and his wife visited Germany , entertaining the notion that Edward could become " a figurehead for an international movement for peace on Hitler 's terms . " The couple met with Hitler , the BBC said .

  7. 这个和平运动争取禁止核能武器。

    The peace movement campagins for the banning of nuclear weapons .

  8. 那你是和平运动的一员了?

    So you 've become a member of the peace movement ?

  9. 英国反核和平运动研究(1979-1984年)

    The Research on the Anti-nuclear Peace Movement of Britain ( 1979-1984 )

  10. 正是这次事件引发了和平运动。

    It was this event that gave birth to the peace movement .

  11. 他早年就参加了和平运动。

    He early identified himself with the movement for peace .

  12. 论20世纪世界和平运动的特点

    ON the Characteristics of the 20th Century 's Peaceful Movement

  13. 20世纪80年代初期英国妇女的反核和平运动

    The British Women 's Peace Movement Against Nuclear Weapons in the Early 1980s

  14. 论中古西欧上帝的和平运动

    The Peace of God Movement in Medieval Western Europe

  15. 第三章分析了英国反核和平运动的影响。

    Chapter Three analyses the influence of the Anti-nuclear Peace Movement of Britain .

  16. 他在和平运动中找到了志同道合的人。

    He found kindred spirits in the peace movement .

  17. 在和平运动中显赫的人物。

    A big figure in the peace movement .

  18. 你们一起在和平运动中工作过。

    You worked together in the peace movement .

  19. 30年代英国的和平运动

    The British Peace Movement in the 1930s

  20. 本文对英国反核和平运动(1979&1984年)进行了初步的整理和研究。

    This paper systematizes and studies the Anti-nuclear Peace Movement of Britain ( 1979-1984 ) .

  21. 他充当这次和平运动的先锋。

    He is spearheading the peace movement .

  22. 当代反战和平运动浅析

    Analysis of Contemporary Anti-war Movement for Peace

  23. 和平运动的支持者在大教堂外面举行了一整夜的烛光守夜祈祷。

    Supporters of the peace movement held an all-night candlelit prayer vigil outside the cathedral .

  24. 国际世界和平运动组织

    International Movement for Universal Peace

  25. 国际天主教和平运动

    International Catholic Movement for Peace

  26. 1979年北约双重决议是这次欧洲反核和平运动的导火线。

    In 1979 , the Twin Track Decision of NATO caused this European anti - nuclear peace movement .

  27. 和平运动越壮大,和平维持得越久,这可不是偶然的。

    It is no accident that the more peace movements have multiplied the longer peace had been maintained .

  28. 这既不利于妇女自身的解放,也不利于整个反核和平运动的发展。

    Their standpoint did not benefit women 's liberation and the development of total peace movement against nuclear weapons .

  29. 在知识分子接连被杀、学生接连被捕以后,和平运动转入了半地下状态。

    After the killing of the intellectuals and the arrest of students , the peace movement assumed a semi-underground haracter .

  30. 第三,从参加者来看,和平运动具有广泛的群众基础。

    The third is , taking the campaigners into consideration , that the masses widely take part in the movements .