
  • 网络Online Life;network life;internet life
  1. 论证了中国移动WLAN技术原理和组网方案的特点及可行性,为进一步完善WLAN技术奠定了实践基础,也为人们快捷方便的享受网络生活做出了贡献。

    Characteristics and feasibility of the China Mobile WLAN technology principle and networking programs , in order to further improve the WLAN technology laid the basis of practice , also contributed to fast and convenient for people to enjoy the network life .

  2. 网络生活的断裂与网络文化道德的重建

    Disruption of Network Life and the Reconstruction of Network Culture moral

  3. 大量的网络生活往往意味着越来越多的网络数据:Facebook在其服务器上存储着多达百亿的用户照片;Google和百度的爬虫每天收集着T级别的网页信息。

    The boom of online life produced a large amount of online data , for example : Facebook stored billions of pictures of its users ' on its servers ; The spiders of Google and Baidu will collect T-level webpages everyday .

  4. Foxmarks是一款设计巧妙的好产品,用户通过它可以在多台电脑、多种浏览器间有条不紊地享受网络生活。

    Foxmarks is a clever , well-done product that can help users of multiple computers and multiple browsers to keep their Web lives in order .

  5. 而且阿里巴巴已经主导着中国消费者的网络生活了。

    And Alibaba already dominates the online lives of Chinese shoppers .

  6. 探讨高校学生网络生活问题。

    It explores the problem of students of the Internet era .

  7. 网络生活中的虚拟认同问题

    The Problem of Virtual Identification in Life on the Internet

  8. 浙江海洋学院学生网络生活调查研究

    Investigation and Analysis on Network Life of Students in Zhejiang Ocean University

  9. 恶意软件已经成为了我们网络生活中的现实。

    Malicious software has become the network of our life .

  10. 大学生网络生活的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of the Network Life of University Students

  11. Zapier可以把你的网络生活联系起来,帮助你构建新的功能。

    Zapier connects your online life and helps you build new functionality .

  12. 网络生活正成为青少年犯罪的温床与土壤。

    Network life is becoming the hotbed and soil of juvenile delinquency .

  13. 略论高校学生网络生活的素质关怀

    The quality concern on students of the Internet era

  14. 它的出现已经严重地破坏了人们的网络生活,并且给企业和国家带来了巨大的经济损失。

    And They have brought huge economic losses to the countries and enterprises .

  15. 瑞典的网络生活

    The life on Internet network network data

  16. 网络生活是一种真实的虚拟人生。

    To some extent the life on the net is a life of virtual reality .

  17. 学校德育与学生网络生活之间不同轨现象的实证分析及对策探究

    An Investigation and Suggestions on Inconsistencies between School Moral Education and Students ' Internet Life

  18. 河北省部分高校大学生网络生活的调查

    Investigation into the Network Life of the College Students in Some Higher Institutions in Hebei Province

  19. 当前,网络生活已成了大学生生活的重要组成部分。

    At present , the network has already become an important part of college students ' life .

  20. 诺顿公司的一份报告将网络生活在行为及心理方面的影响做了概述。

    The behavioural and psychological impacts of online life are outlined in a report from the security firm Norton .

  21. 是否让爸妈成为我们网络生活的一部分真的是很困难的选择。

    Its a difficult choice whether or not to allow a parent to become a part of our online lives .

  22. 此项目使用开源技术将参与、协作与自主带入其他方面的网络生活。

    Mozilla Drumbeat projects use open technologies to bring participation , collaboration and empowerment to other aspects of online life .

  23. 现在社会网络生活中甚至出现一种针对保持个人及社会关系空白状态的用户进行信息投递的策略。

    The social network now even has a strategy for exposing info about members who 've kept their job or relationship status blank .

  24. 从政府到民间,环保信息的交流和资源的共享,随着网络生活的普及而得到加强。

    From government to civilian , the exchange of information of environment and the share of resources are stepped by the popularization of Internet .

  25. 而这又将使我们更接近让网络生活方式成为所有人的生活方式的临界点。

    And that , in turn , will move us closer to the critical mass that will make the Web lifestyle everyone 's lifestyle .

  26. 对“虚拟”的认同程度,是影响网络生活质量的关键性因素之一。

    The extent to which people identify with the " virtual " is a key factor affecting the quality of life on the Internet .

  27. 信息化的高速发展,宽带互联网的普及,使人们充分意识到,网络生活必不可少。

    In the information high speed development today , The widespread use of the Internet , so that people recognize the importance of the network .

  28. 构建和谐网络生活,要求广大网民在网络生活实践中不断提高自身素质,用网络公德来调整、规范、优化我们的网络行为。

    For network life harmony , we must improve own quality , comes the standard , the autonomy with the common courtesy our network behavior .

  29. 第二部分,分析我国对未成年人民事行为能力的规定,阐述网络生活对未成年人民事行为效力认定方面的冲击,以及对相关理论的影响。

    The second part , analyzes the minor civil capacity stipulation , elaborate the netowrk effects to minor , as well as to correlate theories influence .

  30. 以互联网为核心的网络生活已成为高校学生日常生活的重要内容,网络文化正在深刻影响着他们的人生观、价值观和精神状态。

    Network centred in internet has become the important part of college life . Network culture has been changing the students ' spiritual life and inner world .