
  • 网络web service;Online service;CompuServe
  1. 该系统增加了仪器共享网上服务流程,打破了原有系统只管理而无服务的局限性,真正的实现了基于Web的仪器共享。

    The system increased online services of instruments sharing , breaking the limitations of the original system that it only has management but no services , realizing the web-based instrument sharing .

  2. 松下的策略与索尼(Sony)等其它日本生产商形成鲜明对比。后者正将低端产品生产外包出去,并在推广网上服务,以实现产品的差异化。

    Panasonic 's strategy is in sharp contrast to that of other Japanese manufacturers such as Sony , which is outsourcing low-end production and promoting online services to differentiate its products .

  3. 充分利用计算机技术和Internet技术,开展车辆管理和网上服务已成为一种发展趋势。

    Making full use of computer technology and Internet technology , carrying out vehicles management and Internet service have been a developing trend .

  4. giveaway应该有赠送、分发的意思吧,所以givethingsaway=freeservices,给予网上服务,进而希望广告收入得以实现的想法,对享受免费服务的消费者而言无疑是具有吸引力的。

    The idea that you can give things away online , and hope that advertising revenue will somehow materialise later on , undoubtedly appeals to users , who enjoy free services as a result .

  5. 拒绝服务攻击(DoS)以及分布式拒绝服务攻击(DDoS)是目前严重影响网络安全和网上服务质量的一种常用攻击手段。

    Currently , DoS and DDoS attack , common attacks at network , are great threat to security and QoS of network .

  6. 计算出你每天要吃多少分量的水果和蔬菜的一个好方法就是使用CDC的网上服务计算器。

    A good way to find out how many servings you should be eating is by using the CDC 's online serving calculator .

  7. 本论文是基于快速原型和快速模具技术和TRIZ理论的网上服务系统研究。

    The thesis discusses service system of Internet based on RP , RT and TRIZ .

  8. 随着电子商务应用的逐步深入,Internet的服务模式已经由传统的数据通信与信息浏览向电子交易与网上服务转变,这种变化使Web服务器以及Web服务系统成为支持电子商务应用的核心设施。

    Since the E-Commerce has been widely adopted by many enterprises , the Internet service mode has transformed from conventional information browse to trade and service on-line , and this change made web server and web service to be a very important core facility .

  9. 预计索尼电脑娱乐公司将于3月中旬公布一揽子PSP网上服务协议。分析师预计,结盟对象将至少包括一家大型ISP,如雅虎(Yahoo)。

    SCE is expected to reveal a package of PSP online services in mid-March , with analysts expecting the tie-ups to involve at least one big ISP , such as Yahoo .

  10. 美国沃尔玛(Wal-mart)的英国子公司阿斯达(Asda)昨日表示,为了跟上消费者习惯的变化,将把提供网上服务的商店数增加一倍。

    Asda , the UK subsidiary of Walmart of the US , yesterday said it would double the number of stores with internet services as it sought to keep pace with the change in customers ' habits .

  11. 高校图书馆学科馆员网上服务调查与建设研究

    Study on the On-line Services of Subject Librarians in the University Libraries

  12. 运输署的网上服务,给您更多驾驶乐趣!

    The transport department services on-line gives you more fun on driving .

  13. 谈基于书目数据库查询的高校图书馆网上服务

    Discussion on the Cyber-service of University library Based on Bibliographic Database Enquiry

  14. 透过网上服务,使用者可获取与校本评核相关的资讯。

    Users can access information regarding to the HKEAA examination online services .

  15. 我国高校图书馆网上服务现状综述

    An Overview of Network Service of Chinese University Libraries

  16. 高校图书馆网上服务的互动交流性评价

    Web Services of Academic Libraries with Insufficient Interchangeability

  17. 二零零一年三月,信保局推出新的“信保易”网上服务系统。

    In march , the Corporation launched a new Internet-based service , 'ec-link ' .

  18. 电力客户网上服务中心系统设计与开发

    The design for client Service center of power based on B / S structure

  19. 政府可自行发展网上服务,以便为市民大众提供服务。

    The government may develop its own web services to deliver service to the public .

  20. 搬迁期间,所有网上服务均不受影响。

    During the removal period , all of our online services will operate as normal .

  21. 您只须登记网上服务,便可在网上查阅您的信用咭付账情况。

    You can check your card payment status online by registering with our online services .

  22. 图书馆网上服务的探索

    Investigation on the Library Network Service

  23. 如果我之前就已经登记网上服务,还需要重新登记吗?

    If I have registered for online services before , do I have to register again ?

  24. 欢迎使用香港中学文凭考试网上服务。

    Welcome to the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education ( HKDSE ) Examination Online Services .

  25. 在消费实时活动的新闻和评论方面,它已经是最好的网上服务之一。

    It is already among the best places online for consuming news and commentary about live events .

  26. 本文主要描述的是基于互联网的社会保险网上服务系统的设计与实现。

    This paper studies the design and realization of the Internet-based system of social insurance online services .

  27. 网上服务合成系统中的服务描述

    Service description in STONE system

  28. 于是我选了一种网上服务寄了我的几根头发过去

    So I used an online service , and I sent off a strand of my hair ,

  29. 但她听说有网上服务:有烹饪法,有父母指南,还有聊天室等。

    But she 'd heard about the services available on-line & recipes , parenting advice , chat groups .

  30. 物联网是指通过互联网把真实物品连接起来并通过网上服务相互沟通的网络。

    IoT refers to a network of real-world objects linked by the Internet and interacting through on-line services .