
  • 网络Web Mining
  1. 网络挖掘技术是实现Web个性化推荐最行之有效的技术手段之一。

    Web mining was one of the most effective methods for web personalization .

  2. 我们想把这些网络挖掘任务集成到智能代理(Intelligentagent)中,由智能代理完成这些工作。

    We want to integrate all these tasks of web mining into an Intelligent Agent , which can automatically complete these tasks .

  3. 传统的Web信息检索技术已无法满足人们日益增长的Web信息检索和挖掘需求,而网络挖掘技术可以弥补搜索引擎的不足。

    The traditional web information searching techniques have failed to meet people 's increasing requirement of web information searching and mining , and the web mining techniques can remedy the shortage of search engine .

  4. 基于Wikipedia的社会网络挖掘

    Social Network Mining Based on Wikipedia

  5. 面向客户需求的神经网络挖掘方法

    The Customer - Demand - Oriented Neural Network Data Mining Method

  6. 这两个领域的结合就是网络挖掘。

    The combination of the two areas is referred to as Web mining .

  7. 构建邮件通联关系网络挖掘分析原型系统。

    Construct the Email Communication Network Mining Prototype System .

  8. 基于多特征融合的聊天室社会网络挖掘方法

    Chat room social network mining based on multi-features fusion

  9. 基于结构化神经网络挖掘的农产品产量预测方法

    The Forecasting Approach to Agriculture Products Based on an Improved Structure-Based Neural Network

  10. WebME&一个大型网络挖掘环境系统

    WebME & A large web mining environment system

  11. 利用音译和网络挖掘翻译命名实体

    Named Entity Translation with Web Mining and Transliteration

  12. 利用网络挖掘技术建立英语学习平台

    Building an English Learning Service with Web Mining

  13. 网络挖掘技术在电子商务决策中的应用

    The Application of Web-Mining to E-Commerce Decision-Making

  14. 前卫的现实网络挖掘

    Web Mining On Reality

  15. 本文提出了一种新颖的方法,综合利用音译和网络挖掘来提高命名实体翻译的效果。

    This paper presents a novel approach to improve the named entity translation by combining transliteration with web mining .

  16. 基于遗传算法结合神经网络挖掘方法的研究及在农业信息化中的应用

    Research on Data Mining Based on Artificial Neural Network Combined with Genetic Algorithm and the Applications in Informatization of Agriculture

  17. 本文采用了社会网络挖掘技术对某小型购物网站中的一个版块中的顾客和产品之间的数据信息进行分析。

    This paper adopted Data mining and Social Network Analysis analyzing a small shopping site of the customer and product data .

  18. 在论文的最后,介绍了我们的网络挖掘系统-WEBME中的自动摘要子模块的设计与实现。

    And lastly we introduce our automatic summary module , one of three modules in our web mining system-WEBME , in detail .

  19. 通过对网络挖掘的一般过程的分析,给出了适合于政府信息门户网站的个性化推荐方案。

    According to the general process of web mining , the personalization plan was put forward to be the same with E-Government web site .

  20. 考虑:电子植入人体;基因拼接那样普遍的整容;计算机网络挖掘庞大的数据库来辨别消费者的喜好。

    Consider : electronic implants into human bodies ; gene-splicing as common as cosmetic surgery ; computer networks mining vast databases to discern consumer preferences .

  21. 针对上述挑战,本文主要研究在分布式计算环境下的大规模信息网络挖掘在数据划分、计算模型和分析方法上所面临的问题。

    In response to these challenges , this paper fo-cuses on graph partition , computing models and analysis methods of the large-scale information network analysis .

  22. 双隐层时间序列过程神经元网络挖掘模型实际上可以看成是时间序列过程神经元网络挖掘模型的改进模型。

    In fact , Time Series Process Neural Networks with Double Hidden Layers could be seen as the modified model of Time Series Process Neural Networks .

  23. 分类是文本挖掘的基础和核心,是近年来数据挖掘和网络挖掘的一个研究热点。

    Text categorization is the foundation and core of text - mining , which has been a research focus of data - mining and Internet - mining in recent years .

  24. 介绍了数据挖掘、网络挖掘和网络用法挖掘技术的理论发展及其它们在实际中的应用情况,并在挖掘算法的改善提高过程中进行了探索性的研究。

    Theoretical progress of the mining technique such as data mining , web mining , and web usage mining as well as their practical application are introduced , and an exploratory investigation of mining algorithm improvement is also conducted .

  25. 对于前者,我们提出了一种获取上下文相关词汇复述的新方法,它包括两部分:基于网络挖掘的候选复述词获取以及基于二元分类的复述词确认。

    With regard to the former , we investigates a novel framework for acquiring context-dependent lexical paraphrases , in which a web mining method is employed for extracting candidate paraphrases and a binary classification method is used in paraphrase validation .

  26. 最后本文基于上述的研究成果,设计了一个用于大规模信息网络挖掘的分布式计算框架,用户只需编写少量的代码便可以进行大规模信息网络的分析,而不必考虑分布式系统的具体细节。

    Finally , this paper presents the design of a parallel anal-ysis platform for the large-scale information network . The users can carry out the analysis of large-scale information network by writing a small amount of code , regardless of the specifics of the distributed system .

  27. 基于Web日志的网络使用挖掘算法研究

    The Research of Web Usage Mining Algorithm Based on Web Log

  28. 网络数据挖掘及其在面向Web的知识检索中的应用

    Web Data Mining and Its Application in Knowledge Retrieval in WWW

  29. 绝大多数的网络日志挖掘研究都基于这一假设发掘出了各种有用的Web用户访问模式。

    Lots of researches on Web-log mining are based on the hypothesis .

  30. XML技术在网络数据挖掘应用中的优势

    The Advantages of Web Data Mining by Using XML Technology