
  • 网络Site Name;Website Name;Web site name;Web Name
  1. 对于已经注册登记的不适宜的注册网站名称,任何单位和个人可以申请注册机关予以纠正。

    Any work unit or individual may apply to the Registration Authority for rectification of an inappropriate registered website name that has already been registered .

  2. 经注册机关核准后,收回其原有《网站名称注册证书》,重新颁发《网站名称注册证书》并予以公告。

    After having approved the application , the Registration Authority will take back the owner 's original Website Name Registration Certificate , issue a new one and make an announcement .

  3. 注册表项包含这五个工作区中每个工作区的网站名称和URL。

    The registry entry contains the site name and URL of each of these five workspaces .

  4. 只允许一个服务器名称或门户网站名称

    Only one of server name or portal site name is allowed

  5. 无法重命名网站名称以清空字符串。

    Cannot rename web name to empty string .

  6. 此处的网站名称仅供参考,且无法更改。

    The site name is here for reference only , and cannot be changed .

  7. 否则,“属性”窗口标题将包含网站名称。

    Otherwise the properties window title will contain the name of the web site .

  8. 缺少用于备份/恢复的服务器名称或门户网站名称

    Expected either a server or a portal site name for the backup / restore

  9. 门户网站名称{0}已经存在。请选择其他名称

    The Portal Site name { 0 } already exists . Please select a different one

  10. 已为工作区{1}选择门户网站名称{0}

    The Portal Site name { 0 } has already been selected for workspace { 1 }

  11. 在“网站名称”文本框中,键入网站的地址并单击“打开”。

    In the web name text box , type the address of your site and click open .

  12. 一个标准的方法是永远结束您注意到您的网站名称和网址。

    A standard way is to always end your notes with your Web site name and URL .

  13. 在门户场数据库中没有找到此网站名称。请重新选择网站。

    The site name was not found in the portal farm database . Please re-select a site .

  14. 请键入门户网站名称。名称显示于大多数门户网站页面的顶端。

    Type the name of the portal site . The name appears at the top of most portal site pages .

  15. 我有机会来帮助人们,同时也有一个标记线,说明我的网站名称和网址。

    I have the opportunity to help people while also having a tag line stating my web site name and URL .

  16. 该失效日期并非实际反映出该网站名称的注册人与本注册处之间的赞助者的合约。

    This date does not necessarily reflect the expiration date of the domain name registrant 's agreement with the sponsoring registrar .

  17. 您可以复制粘贴浏览器顶端“地址”框中路径的第一部分,包括网站名称。

    You can copy and paste the first part of the path , including the site name , from the address box at the top of the browser .

  18. 《网站名称注册证书》包括以下登记事项:网站名称序号、网站名称、网站所有者名称或姓名、域名等。

    Website Name Registration Certificate shall include the following registration particulars : the number of the website name , the website name , the Website owner 's name , the domain name .

  19. 作为新生事物,目前,网站名称还存在着一些问题,必须高度重视并采取行政、法律、社会监督等多种手段进行治理。

    Being a new phenomenon , there are currently some problems regarding names which refer to websites which require close administrative , legal and social attention and monitoring as well as action to be regulated properly .

  20. 指定能够描述新exchange网站的名称。

    Specify a name that describes the new exchange web site .

  21. 为此,在解决方案资源管理器中,右击网站的名称,单击“添加新项”,再单击“web窗体”。

    To do this , in solution explorer , right-click the name of the web site , click add new item , and then click web form .

  22. 指定服务器的完整url和要打开或创建的网站的名称。

    Specifies the full URL of the server and the name of the web site that you want to open or create .

  23. 一位曾在普林斯顿大学(PrincetonUniversity)研究古代宗教的32岁男士,身穿一件印有其雇主(一家财经网站)名称的T恤衫;

    A 32-year-old man who had studied ancient religion at Princeton wore a T-shirt emblazoned with the name of his employer , a finance website ;

  24. 不能更改或删除创建用于将列表绑定到sharepoint网站的名称。

    You cannot change or delete the name that was created to bind this list to the SharePoint site .

  25. 僵尸网络攻击了Dyn,令它无法将许多主要网站的名称翻译成互联网可以理解的地址,导致网络访问中断。

    The botnet attacked Dyn , making it unable to translate the names of many major websites into addresses that the internet can understand , so disrupting access .

  26. 在解决方案资源管理器中,选择该网站的名称。

    In solution explorer , select the name of the web site .

  27. 或者,可以右击“解决方案资源管理器”中的网站项目名称,然后单击“属性页”。

    Alternatively , you can right-click your web site project name in solution explorer and click property pages .

  28. 为了达到这一目的,谷歌将列出那些未加密网站的名称,对其施加压力。

    To achieve ubiquity , the company will start naming and shaming sites that don 't use it .

  29. 此参数指定要在其中新建虚拟目录的网站的名称。

    This parameter specifies the name of the web site under which to create the new virtual directory .

  30. 站名权体现了权益人对其所创建的网站的名称享有专有、使用、转让等权益。

    Website name right is the owner of the website who enjoys the exclusive , use and transfer right .